lentil burgers

Memorial Day Recipes!

Happy Memorial Day weekend! 

To celebrate, we're offering $5 off the Veg Out Meal Plan Series!!  This is also the last week to get our May Bonus, The Freezer Stash Guide ($15 value) completely free! 

This week's meal plan includes lots of recipes that you can bring to your picnic and share with friends--including burgers, a divine salad and an appetizer platter. 

Not going anywhere?  No worries!  Enjoy at home with the people you love!  

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100% of the recipes included in the plans are plant-centered and gluten free. 

Here’s why: ALL bodies benefit from incorporating MORE plants, and fewer processed carbohydrates! 

This is an awesome way to incorporate more veggies into your diet, try new foods, and improve your health, energy and vitality. 

If you are looking for bland, tasteless meals, this will NOT be your jam. 🏻‍♀️

"My energy is increased, and my skin is clearing up!"

"My GI issues are completely resolved."

"What I’ve learned has changed my life and my mind regarding food is changed forever!"

(I can’t make this stuff up 🏼)

Use code MEMORIAL at checkout for $5 off, access to your this week's plan PLUS The Freezer Stash Guide.  This offer is through Monday, 5/27 only!

Let’s stay connected!  Contact me anytime, HERE.

Let’s stay connected! Contact me anytime, HERE.