tinea versicolor

Nutrient Dense Diets for Healthy Hormones

🚬On July 5 2015, I smoked my last cigarette. I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 19 years.

🌱All of the weird shit I eat? lentils...bok choy...curry...beets...chia...I didn't know what any of it was or what it tasted like for most of my adult life.

🍫I used binge eat chocolate every afternoon at work. Like 1/2 bag of Hershey's kisses kind of binge, on the regular.

🏃🏻‍♀️It took me years of practicing 3 mile running intervals in my neighborhood, and several 5Ks before ever completing my first 3 miles without stopping to walk.

🤰🏻 We had 4 pregnancies. 2 resulted beautiful babies, and all continue to teach us such valuable lessons.

📲 This week, I had the opportunity to share more about my journey to healing my relationship with food, holistically balancing my hormones, our pregnancies, and more on my dear friend and colleagues podcast, Well Women Radio.

Check out the episode during your commute or upcoming road trip, and then dive into all of the amazing content and interviews Ellie Thomas - Holistic Nutrition Consultant has to offer!!


Tune in by clicking the image below!


🌟PS. Your story? It’s important. Share it!


🌟 PPS. You've got to try this recipe for chocolate chia pudding.  It's on the meal plans this week, and too good not to share! 

Let’s stay connected! Contact me any time, HERE

Let’s stay connected! Contact me any time, HERE

Nutrient Dense Diets for Healthy Hormones
Chocolate Chia Pudding

What is Inflammation?

Do you remember ever falling when you were a kid and busting open your knee? It hurt, right?!

In the days following, it would get red, puffy, swollen, black and blue… and depending on how mad the fall was, maybe even a little oozy. This was just your body’s response to the trauma — and after a week or so of keeping it clean & taking good care of it, the wound would heal and you would be as good as new.

Imagine that instead of bandaging it up, you just keep rubbing dirt into the open wound. And every day, it gets worse. As it gets worse, it gets more painful. And as it gets more painful, you just keep rubbing more and more dirt into it. You would be crazy to do that, right?!

Now what if I told you that many of us are doing this to our bodies every day.


Would you believe me?


We can’t see it because it’s happening on the INSIDE. And because we can’t see the open wound on the inside of our body, we don’t think that it’s there. The wild thing is that our body is likely giving us clues every day....

You may be tired, struggling with brain fog, or having a difficult time focusing.

Your digestion may be sluggish, you may feel bloated, gassy, or gain excess weight in your belly.

You probably have insatiable cravings for foods that you know aren’t good for you, but feel like you can’t stop eating them.

You might even have a weird rash or skin condition that won’t go away, thinning hair, or joint pain.

It’s possible that you’re experiencing mood swings, bouts of low moods or anxiety.

And maybe even irregular cycles or fertility struggles.

Sound familiar?

It did to me for a really long time. It wasn’t that long ago that I struggled with a whole string of symptoms…my belly would blow up like a balloon every time I ate. I struggled with a skin condition called tinea versicolor, brittle hair and nails. I experienced chronic mouth sores, cystic pimples and chronic fatigue. I struggled with constipation.  The cherry topper was amenorrhea (no period) and low estrogen. I was 34 years old.


This is your body screaming from the inside out.


Inflammation is essentially like that skinned knee you had when you were a kid. It is the body playing a mean game of defense. It puffs up, swells and sometimes oozes.. When it’s not addressed, we start to feel any combination of the symptoms described above. And, like I did, we brush them off….

“I’m tired because I’m busy. “

“My digestion is just sluggish. “

“ The doctor said not to worry about this rash.”

“I can’t focus because I have too much on my plate.”

“This is just what it’s like getting older.”

We take prescriptions to manage our moods, over the counter meds to stay regular, and put topical creams on our rashes. We settle for being tired, sad, feeling like shit, and in pain. It’s crazy right?!


Now, what if I told you that ONE thing could begin to cure all of these things?


Yes, just one:

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Inflammatory foods are different for every {one} body. Now that I’m on the other side — TRUST ME — identifying your inflammatory triggers are BEYOND worth your efforts!

With summer fast approaching, I am opening up 10 spaces for people who would like to increase their energy, improve their digestion, eliminate the bloat, feel happier and begin to heal their body literally from the inside OUT.

This 14 day, gentle, yet effective program delivers an all access pass to boundless reserves of energy you didn’t know you had. You’ll find that every part of your body works better simply by “switching on” your metabolism and body’s natural healing abilities.

This is NOT a starvation cleanse!  A variety of nutrient dense, high fiber foods are conveniently planned for you, taking the guesswork out of wondering what is okay and not okay to eat.  No crazy juicing or shakes required.    

Package includes online membership site, complete with detailed program guide, tutorials & food journal.  Package includes (2) 30 minute coaching sessions, as well as recipe guides and resources! Enrollment is limited to the first 10 participants, and will fill fast!

Let’s stay connected! Contact me any time, here.

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PS I have a free gift for you! Come grab it HERE.