vegetarian meal plan

Meal Prep Made Simple

I remember visiting my sister in Washington state the year before Ziggy was born, and seeing their weekly menu board hung in their dining room. My thought was, “wait, you guys really know what you’re going to eat every day of every week…like all the time? Who does that?!”

It’s funny how things change, because part of my career now is teaching others how to simplify nutrition, meal planning and meal prep. LOL! Incredible how things can shift, right?!

Becoming a mom taught me that time is more valuable than ever, and I continue to be on a mission to maximize it. Meal planning and prepping became one of those things that has done just that.

By carving out a little bit of time, one day a week, (I’m talking an hour) to prep what I have planned for the week, I suddenly find I don’t have excuses to eat crap (or skip) lunch, I don’t walk around hangry and irritable, and I save so.much.time in the long run.

Meal Prep

Pro tip: Hit the #easybutton by preparing the same thing for breakfast and lunch each week. This makes it easy to shop for, easy to plan and easy to throw together. Then, every week, switch it up so that you don’t get bored!

One of my favorite ways to get some easy lunch prep on is by making mason jar salads. It took me a while to get on the mason jar salad train...maybe because they are trendy and I'm not?! Ha! But it turns out I LOVE LOVE LOVE these!  Super easy, practical and delish. This can be done with any combination of ingredients, and I’m sharing a little tutorial and a favorite recipe right HERE.

What is your biggest struggle when it comes to meal planning and prep? I would love to know!. Share below, or always feel free to email >>

With a breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes, printable grocery list and 5, actionable simple meal prep tips, The Veg Out Meal Plan Series makes meal planning and prep both SIMPLE and DELICIOUS! Check out what members are cooking up this week:

Plant Based, Gluten Free Recipes

We're really enjoying all the flavors spring has to offer -- BRACE YOURSELF! 

We're diving into 

—A taco you won’t forget

—Strawberry fields!

—Sweet little eggs in a nest

—A traditional, nutrient dense Italian favorite

—And a flavorful eggplant stack that marries the flavors of spring

If you want in, sign up here by this Thursday (June 6th).

Let’s stay connected! Contact us anytime, HERE.

Let’s stay connected! Contact us anytime, HERE.

How to Make Mason Jars Salads
Mason Jar Salad Recipes

Creating a Vision: 5 Simple Steps

Someone really special bought a new swim suit last week. And it’s not just any swimsuit — it’s THE swimsuit.

This special someone is a member of our Mastermind Community. When we began working together last summer, she described the vision of what she wanted…how she wanted to FEEL…as one of the women in the Altheta Catalog. Strong, flexible, energized, comfortable in her body.

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And you know what she just bought to celebrate what she’s accomplished over the last 10 months? An Altheta swimsuit. How freaking awesome is THAT?!

The importance of a clear VISION is that it creates the energy to make change happen. Cause let’s be honest, staying consistent and transforming habits isn’t easy.

When a vision is clear enough, it inspires effective goal setting, daily choices, and makes the commitment to the long game easier.

Not sure where to start? Create your vision using these 5 tips:

  1. Write it down. What does it look like? What are you wearing? Who are you with? Where are you? What can your future self do? How is your life different? Be specific!

  2. Create a vision statement!! An effective vision statement begins with “I am.” “I am strong, flexible, healthy & confident.” Take it to the next level by identifying a visual in your environment that will consistently tie you to your vision (in this case, a photo of women from the Athleta Catalog!}

  3. Start small. What is ONE thing you can begin to implement consistently THIS week to get you one step close to the vision? Start small, and layer in one new actin layer every week.

  4. Commit to the long game. It is the small, seemingly insignificant things that we do daily that add up over time to yield incredible results.

  5. Allow yourself to be supported. It is OKAY not to know all the answers and to ask to for help!! Take off the superwoman cape, and connect with an accountability partner, group, or coach to provide support, accountability and to keep you in motion! #bettertogether

So what do you think? Are you compelled to create your vision? What does the end of 2019 look like for you? I would LOVE to see what you come up with. Share below, or always feel free to email >>

In the meantime, you have to try out this incredible recipe for Vegetable Pasta Salad. It will become a go-to for spring and summer picnics, promise!

PS Here’s what our members are cooking up this week!

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—Muffins that hide veggies #canigetahellyeah

—A salad that looks like a rainbow, and tastes like one too

—A spring spin on Minestrone

—Creamy polenta with a savory spin

—And a cauliflower dish you won’t forget

In this week's video, we’re talking all about CARBS & how they relate to weight, blood sugar & energy.

Oh! And as a bonus in May, we’re including our Freezer Stash Guide! 10 delicious recipes to stock in your freezer for easy grab and go when life gets cray (because it will)

If you want in, sign up here by this Thursday (May 9th):

Let’s stay connected! Contact us anytime, HERE.

Let’s stay connected! Contact us anytime, HERE.

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