plant based meal plan

Chop Salad


What You’ll Need:

For the dressing:

3/4 c olive oil

1/2 c balsamic vinegar

2 Tbsp local honey

1 shallot

1/2 tsp sea or Himalayan salt

1/2 Tbsp Dijon mustard

For the salad:

1 large head lettuce OR 1 (5-7oz) bag salad greens, any variety, chopped

4 carrots, diced

4 stalks celery, diced

2 c frozen shelled edamame, thawed

1 broccoli brown, finely chopped

1 pint cherry tomato, quartered

6oz bleu cheese

Fresh ground black pepper

Combine salad dressing ingredients in a small food processor or blender. Puree until creamy.

Prepare salad ingredients and toss together. Divide equally into (4) separate containers for easy grab and

go throughout the week OR combine all ingredients in large bowl to share.

Toss with dressing just before serving.

Serves 4

Want more recipes like this? Check out The Veg Out Meal Plan Series!

5 Nutrition Principles to Live By

You’ve hit a plateau, are feeling super low on energy, irritable or with cravings gone wild. Your skin may be acting up, or your digestion in slow motion.

I hear you sister, I hear you.

When we find ourselves in this space, we often feel like giving up on ourselves— like all of our efforts are null & void. Well, let me let you in on a little secret. YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB. And, giving up on yourself is disservice not only to you & your quality of life & health, but to those that you love.

Today, I’m sharing 5 simple shifts that, when done consistently, will keep you out of this rut. These aren’t quick fixes. They are LIFESTYLE changes.

If you’re feeling like you in a place in your life where you’re ready to uplevel, I invite you to adopt all 5 of these into your daily routine! BUT, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you don’t even know where to start… Start with ONE and commit to it consistently for 21 days before layering another one in.

These little tools will be a game changer!

Water First. This is #1!! Your body needs AT LEAST half of it’s body weight in ounces in water each day. So, if you weigh 160 pounds, you’re aiming for at least 80 ounces each day.

Start your day by drinking down 12-24 ounces of water upon waking. Before meals, before grabbing for a snack, before going for seconds...think & drink: WATER FIRST.


Eat more plants. At each meal, focus on filling HALF of your plate with fresh veggies & fruits. Plant foods are packed with fiber, water, antioxidants, phytonutrients and are super nutrient dense, meaning you get the most nutrients for calorie consumption. The Veg Out Meal Plan Series is an awesome way to up your veggie intake, while also saving time, money & taking the guesswork out of what to cook each week. At all meals, think EAT MORE PLANTS.


 Rest and digest.  Remember that food is ENERGY! We don’t need energy to sleep ;)  Ideally, your last bite of the night is dinner. Practicing a 12 hour fast between your last bite in and your first bite the following morning allows your body to rest and digest, and speed up metabolic fire, and increase energy.  After dinner, close the kitchen & think REST & DIGEST.


Track.  What you don’t track goes whack.  Are you moving more (or less)? Changing your movement/exercise routine has a huge impact on how your body needs/uses energy!   Are you snacking more than you thought you were? Old habits creeping back in? Are you achieving more than you are giving yourself credit for?  Track it, journal it, do honest reflecting.

The 14 Day Cleanse is the perfect way to not only tune in to how your body FEELS when you eat certain foods, but also your habits around food.


Check in with your thoughts. How is your mindset? Are you focusing on what is going well? Celebrating the wins? Seeing obstacles as an opportunity for learning and growth? This piece is SO CRUCIAL!

If you stay focused on what is not going well, you will attract more of what is….not going well. Stay focused on the wins, what you are grateful for and what brings you joy & you’ll have more wins, more joy, and more to be grateful for. Download this free journal template to help you stay focused on what serves you! Remember, MINDSET WINS!


Which of these simple steps feels most important for you right now? Comment below & let me know!

Let’s stay connected! Contact me here, anytime.

Let’s stay connected! Contact me here, anytime.

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What is a Plant-Based Diet?

If you’ve ever Googled “what is a plant-based diet” and came away more confused than when you started, you’re not alone.

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Who knew there were a million answers to that question?!


Rather than describing a specific pattern of eating, like veganism, it’s more of an umbrella term that covers different types of diets that emphasize one thing: eating mostly plants.  While that looks a little bit different for every {one} body, we ALL reap the benefits from incorporating more plants into our diet.  

The #1 question I get when around plant-based eating is always the same:

"Where do you get your protein?!?"


First, you don’t necessarily need to give up animal-based foods if you don’t want to.  Secondly, let’s think about this for a minute. Where do some of the worlds largest living things get their intense strength and power?

I'm taking elephants. Giraffes. Rhinoceros. Gorilla. Hippopotamus. Elk. and when they roamed the Earth, Tons of DINOSAURS.


Yup, you guessed it! Plants!


One cup of lentil soup will deliver nearly 20 GRAMS of protein. When combined with a balanced diet, deliver a complete protein profile, which is exactly what the body needs.

A  diet comprised of 100% plants isn't for everyone.  

What IS for everyone are the benefits we reap from incorporating MORE plants into our diet.  Plant foods are packed full of fiber, water, phytonutrients, antioxidants and micronutrients that the body needs to give us optimal energy, regularity,  increase immunity and maintain a healthy weight.

There’s a good change you are already incorporating more plant-based protein than you realize!

Check out some of these delish sources of plant-based proteins.  Prepare to be surprised!

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Beans (kidney, black, garbanzo/chickpea, white, lima, etc) dried and cooked or drained & rinsed

Lentils, cooked & drained

Edamame, shelled, organic

Tofu, organic sprouted if possible

Tempeh, organic

Seitan, organic

Green peas

Hemp Hearts

Unsweetened nut butters (peanut, almond..)

Nuts; peanut, almond, macadamia, walnut, brazil, pistachio, cashew, hazelnut, pecan

Seeds; chia, pumpkin

Wild rice

Nutritional yeast



Steel cut or whole (not quick cook) oats

Protein powder, vegan; to add to smoothies

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And, even these powerful green plants carry 2-5 grams per 1 c serving:

Organic, sweet corn


Broccoli rabe




Brussel sprouts



Portobello mushrooms

Hubbard squash

Collard greens


With all of this said, there’s no rule that says you have to label your eating style.  


There are as many diets as there are people on the planet -- each as unique as you are.  The most important thing is to find a way of eating that makes you feel fabulous, works for your lifestyle and one you can stick with for the long term.  Eating more plants is one easy way to do that!

We know this can sometimes feel overwhelming, so we wanted to share a sample plant-centered meal plan with you! Get your free download, and browse our meal plans, HERE.

Let’s stay connected! Contact me any time, HERE!

Let’s stay connected! Contact me any time, HERE!

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Meal Prep Made Simple

I remember visiting my sister in Washington state the year before Ziggy was born, and seeing their weekly menu board hung in their dining room. My thought was, “wait, you guys really know what you’re going to eat every day of every week…like all the time? Who does that?!”

It’s funny how things change, because part of my career now is teaching others how to simplify nutrition, meal planning and meal prep. LOL! Incredible how things can shift, right?!

Becoming a mom taught me that time is more valuable than ever, and I continue to be on a mission to maximize it. Meal planning and prepping became one of those things that has done just that.

By carving out a little bit of time, one day a week, (I’m talking an hour) to prep what I have planned for the week, I suddenly find I don’t have excuses to eat crap (or skip) lunch, I don’t walk around hangry and irritable, and I save so.much.time in the long run.

Meal Prep

Pro tip: Hit the #easybutton by preparing the same thing for breakfast and lunch each week. This makes it easy to shop for, easy to plan and easy to throw together. Then, every week, switch it up so that you don’t get bored!

One of my favorite ways to get some easy lunch prep on is by making mason jar salads. It took me a while to get on the mason jar salad train...maybe because they are trendy and I'm not?! Ha! But it turns out I LOVE LOVE LOVE these!  Super easy, practical and delish. This can be done with any combination of ingredients, and I’m sharing a little tutorial and a favorite recipe right HERE.

What is your biggest struggle when it comes to meal planning and prep? I would love to know!. Share below, or always feel free to email >>

With a breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes, printable grocery list and 5, actionable simple meal prep tips, The Veg Out Meal Plan Series makes meal planning and prep both SIMPLE and DELICIOUS! Check out what members are cooking up this week:

Plant Based, Gluten Free Recipes

We're really enjoying all the flavors spring has to offer -- BRACE YOURSELF! 

We're diving into 

—A taco you won’t forget

—Strawberry fields!

—Sweet little eggs in a nest

—A traditional, nutrient dense Italian favorite

—And a flavorful eggplant stack that marries the flavors of spring

If you want in, sign up here by this Thursday (June 6th).

Let’s stay connected! Contact us anytime, HERE.

Let’s stay connected! Contact us anytime, HERE.

How to Make Mason Jars Salads
Mason Jar Salad Recipes

Creating a Vision: 5 Simple Steps

Someone really special bought a new swim suit last week. And it’s not just any swimsuit — it’s THE swimsuit.

This special someone is a member of our Mastermind Community. When we began working together last summer, she described the vision of what she wanted…how she wanted to FEEL…as one of the women in the Altheta Catalog. Strong, flexible, energized, comfortable in her body.

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And you know what she just bought to celebrate what she’s accomplished over the last 10 months? An Altheta swimsuit. How freaking awesome is THAT?!

The importance of a clear VISION is that it creates the energy to make change happen. Cause let’s be honest, staying consistent and transforming habits isn’t easy.

When a vision is clear enough, it inspires effective goal setting, daily choices, and makes the commitment to the long game easier.

Not sure where to start? Create your vision using these 5 tips:

  1. Write it down. What does it look like? What are you wearing? Who are you with? Where are you? What can your future self do? How is your life different? Be specific!

  2. Create a vision statement!! An effective vision statement begins with “I am.” “I am strong, flexible, healthy & confident.” Take it to the next level by identifying a visual in your environment that will consistently tie you to your vision (in this case, a photo of women from the Athleta Catalog!}

  3. Start small. What is ONE thing you can begin to implement consistently THIS week to get you one step close to the vision? Start small, and layer in one new actin layer every week.

  4. Commit to the long game. It is the small, seemingly insignificant things that we do daily that add up over time to yield incredible results.

  5. Allow yourself to be supported. It is OKAY not to know all the answers and to ask to for help!! Take off the superwoman cape, and connect with an accountability partner, group, or coach to provide support, accountability and to keep you in motion! #bettertogether

So what do you think? Are you compelled to create your vision? What does the end of 2019 look like for you? I would LOVE to see what you come up with. Share below, or always feel free to email >>

In the meantime, you have to try out this incredible recipe for Vegetable Pasta Salad. It will become a go-to for spring and summer picnics, promise!

PS Here’s what our members are cooking up this week!

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—Muffins that hide veggies #canigetahellyeah

—A salad that looks like a rainbow, and tastes like one too

—A spring spin on Minestrone

—Creamy polenta with a savory spin

—And a cauliflower dish you won’t forget

In this week's video, we’re talking all about CARBS & how they relate to weight, blood sugar & energy.

Oh! And as a bonus in May, we’re including our Freezer Stash Guide! 10 delicious recipes to stock in your freezer for easy grab and go when life gets cray (because it will)

If you want in, sign up here by this Thursday (May 9th):

Let’s stay connected! Contact us anytime, HERE.

Let’s stay connected! Contact us anytime, HERE.

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How to Lower Your Grocery Bill

How much money do you spend on groceries each week? 🍏 

It wasn't that long ago that our average cost for groceries per week, as a family of TWO were upwards of $250/week.   Never a plan, never a list, and we were always stopping to pick up "one" thing on our way home from work.

That wasn’t accounting for 🍻 happy hour on the reg; $75 on average for drinks and apps/2x week OR 🍴dinners out. Chris and I used to go out, often times on a whim, 2-3x/week for dinner. For both of us, $80 each meal with a few drinks. 

If you haven't been adding up with me, that's $640 to feed our family of 2 each WEEK.

...And because we ended up eating out on a whim half the time, I would throw tons of fresh produce away at the end of each week.  

Our average weekly spend is now around $125 to feed our family of FOUR (well, one doesn't eat food yet, so technically three, lol!) Pretty massive shift, right?!


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Well, most plant centered foods, like fresh fruits and veggies, beans and lentils, nuts, seeds and gluten free grains... they're generally kinder to the wallet than processed and convenience foods.

And those plant based proteins we incorporate? At around 50 cents/serving, they save you bookoo bucks!

Unbelievable, right?!

Just a small few things shifted:
... head into each week with a solid PLAN instead of winging it! less prepared convenience foods! 

…eat more PLANTS!
...cook more, using SHARED ingredients
...and for the first time ever, not throw a bunch of food away at the end of each week!

=A lower grocery bill 😍 This is exciting stuff! 🤩

What would you do with that extra money each week?!

P.S. ~ Here's what our members are cooking up this week! Once all stocked up on most commonly used spices and pantry staples, it isn’t uncommon to get away with spending less than $100/week on everything you'll need to feed your family for one week! Our members notice a massive shift in their grocery spend. #canigetahellyeah

These plans make it all possible! And, through the end of today (March 31) use code babyishere for 30% off your first month!

If you want in, sign up here by this Wednesday (April 3rd):

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--A breakfast that could surely be featured on a restaurant brunch menu 

--A pear and bleu salad for the win

--A new spin on beans and greens--once you try it you'll never go back

--Curry noodle bowls that are sure to become a staple to your rotation 

--And a protein packed stuffed spaghetti squash with just enough heat! 

Ever wonder how to make kale not suck?  Tune in, I'm sharing all about it this week!! 

Wondering what’s for dessert? Check out this recipe for Mango Frozen Yogurt — it does NOT disappoint!

Let's connect!  Contact me HERE anytime.

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