gluten free meal plans

Vegetarian, Gluten Free Meal Plans; Qualifying Heath Expense!

It dawned on me this week that I don’t share this enough 🤦🏻‍♀️

Everything we offer inside The Veg Out Project is a qualifying medical expense. 👏🏼

That means it’s a qualifying expense with benefits including HSA, FSA and most Employee Wellness Reimbursement Programs. So amazing, right!?⁣

If you’re like, but howwwww? ⁣

Every day, there is mounting research & evidence proving incorporating more plant foods into your diet drastically improves your health. ⁣

Up to 40 percent of annual deaths from each of five leading US causes are preventable with diet and lifestyle. Yes,⁣


While Heath Insurance companies aren’t *quite* there in terms of valuing nutrition and lifestyle as key in preventative healthcare measures, THIS is a huge step in the right direction. ⁣

Over the last several years, I have worked with people who have watched their high cholesterol, sugars, blood pressure and excess weight drop. ⁣

I've cried tears of joy with people who are longer living with joint pain.⁣

I've cheered people on as their energy and stamina increases...through daily intentional walks, long hikes, running with their children & grandchildren, and even completing their first 5k.⁣

And all they did was start eating more plant foods.⁣ 🌱🍉🥒🍒🥬🥥🥑🍇🥕

Let’s stop feeling crap-tastic. Commit to having more energy, feeling more regular & incorporating some easy & delicious recipes into that beautiful body of yours. Our meal plans & recipe portal help you to do just that. ⁣We are so grateful to share these resources with you! ⁣🌱

.PS we've been getting so much thanks and feedback about how quickly our recipes come together -- see a few open share below!  So, thought we would share one of our summer favorites -- Arugula with Tomato & Olives.  Grab the recipe here.  


Let’s stay connected! Contact me anytime, here.

xo sarah

Tomato, Arugula & Olive Pasta

vegetarian | gluten free | egg free | soy free | dairy free | vegan

20 minutes or less

Tomato Olive & Arugula Pasta

What You’ll Need:

1 1/2 c brown rice or quinoa pasta

pinch of salt


4 cloves garlic, sliced

2 Tbsp olive oil

½ pound baby arugula

1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved

¾ -ish c pitted olives, halved

sea salt & black pepper to taste

OPTIONAL: crushed red pepper flakes to taste

Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil for the pasta & cook according to package instructions.

Meanwhile, sauté garlic in olive oil in a large frying pan until aromatic. Add arugula, tomatoes & olives to pan with garlic & salt and pepper to taste. Heat over medium until greens wilt & tomatoes get super juicy.  

Serve over cooked pasta, top with grated Parmesan & crushed red pepper if your heart desires. Share with a friend!

Serves 2.

Let’s stay connected! Contact me any time, here.

Let’s stay connected! Contact me any time, here.

Bloating, Constipation and Puffiness, Oh My!

How often does someone check in to see how things are .... moving ....?? 💩

Yes, for real. As someone who struggled with constipation for most of my adult life, this struggle can be REALLLLL, and really painful.

It wasn't that long ago that I cleaned out our medicine cabinet. I reorganized and threw away the norm--expired cold medicine, stray bandaids, the bottle of lotion with one squeeze left in it.

Miralax, stool softeners, beano, benefiber, metamucil..... among what was pulled out of that cabinet--the pool of over the counter supplements, meds and aids for.... 💩💨😳(or lack thereof 😫)


The struggle was real for a long time yo.

There was a span of a few years where I was terrified to eat anything because it seemed anything I ate caused me to blow up like a balloon — literally, my belly like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man. And don’t get me started on the frequent gas. 🥺

It was embarrassing. It was hard to talk about. And it felt shitty #punintened 😉

And for the longest time, I was putting a bandaid on the problems. I know what it's like to walk into a drug store willing to drop any amount of 💰 for any sense of relief or hope for regularity. It took a reallyyyy long time for me to realize that I would never solve the problem without getting to the root of the issue.

That started with the foods I was eating, and learning what works best for my unique body. 🍏

Want to know the magic formula?

While it’s not exactly the same for everyone, it generally encompasses 3 things: FIBER & WATER from plant foods + GLUTEN FREE sources of carbohydrates. That’s it!

You’ve got to try out this awesome plant-filled, gluten free recipe for Tabbouleh! It’s a favorite around here.

If you are interested in learning how to identify the foods best for your unique body, our 14 Day Cleanse, with support, is an amazing tool to help you figure it out.

Let's connect!  Contact me HERE anytime.

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Breakfast Tacos

We love these bad boys for dinner….or lunch…or breakfast. They come together in less than 15 minutes and do not disappoint. Let us know how you like them!

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What You’ll Need:

1 Tbsp coconut oil

4 c fresh spinach

4 eggs

4 corn tortillas

salt and pepper to taste


Handful fresh chopped cilantro

1 avocado 

about 1/2 c crumbled goat milk cheese

Melt coconut oil in a frying pan.  Add spinach, saute on medium heat until wilted.  

Crack eggs into pan with spinach, scramble to cook. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Meanwhile, quarter avocado and smash 1 part onto each


*If you have a gas range: Torch the tortillas on each side over high

heat. (Set tortilla directly on flame; 30 seconds each side yields a

perfectly crispy, chewy tortilla.

Divide egg scramble evenly onto each tortilla.  

Sprinkle each with about 2 Tbsp cheese and cilantro.

Enjoy with a friend!

Serves 2.

If you like this recipe, you’ve got to check out the Veg Out Meal Plan Series!

We launched the new membership site just last week and are so so excited for all of the value stashed in there waiting for you!

These are the recipes that have fueled baby and I postpartum— they’ve kept my cravings at bay, my energy up, my digestion on point, and are a huge piece to my physical transformation.

We know you’ll love it!! Head over and get your hands on your first meal plan and all the amazing resources inside!!

Let’s stay connected! Contact me any time, here.

Let’s stay connected! Contact me any time, here.

Breakfast Tacos
Grilled Cauliflower Crust Pizza

What is a Plant-Based Diet?

If you’ve ever Googled “what is a plant-based diet” and came away more confused than when you started, you’re not alone.

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Who knew there were a million answers to that question?!


Rather than describing a specific pattern of eating, like veganism, it’s more of an umbrella term that covers different types of diets that emphasize one thing: eating mostly plants.  While that looks a little bit different for every {one} body, we ALL reap the benefits from incorporating more plants into our diet.  

The #1 question I get when around plant-based eating is always the same:

"Where do you get your protein?!?"


First, you don’t necessarily need to give up animal-based foods if you don’t want to.  Secondly, let’s think about this for a minute. Where do some of the worlds largest living things get their intense strength and power?

I'm taking elephants. Giraffes. Rhinoceros. Gorilla. Hippopotamus. Elk. and when they roamed the Earth, Tons of DINOSAURS.


Yup, you guessed it! Plants!


One cup of lentil soup will deliver nearly 20 GRAMS of protein. When combined with a balanced diet, deliver a complete protein profile, which is exactly what the body needs.

A  diet comprised of 100% plants isn't for everyone.  

What IS for everyone are the benefits we reap from incorporating MORE plants into our diet.  Plant foods are packed full of fiber, water, phytonutrients, antioxidants and micronutrients that the body needs to give us optimal energy, regularity,  increase immunity and maintain a healthy weight.

There’s a good change you are already incorporating more plant-based protein than you realize!

Check out some of these delish sources of plant-based proteins.  Prepare to be surprised!

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Beans (kidney, black, garbanzo/chickpea, white, lima, etc) dried and cooked or drained & rinsed

Lentils, cooked & drained

Edamame, shelled, organic

Tofu, organic sprouted if possible

Tempeh, organic

Seitan, organic

Green peas

Hemp Hearts

Unsweetened nut butters (peanut, almond..)

Nuts; peanut, almond, macadamia, walnut, brazil, pistachio, cashew, hazelnut, pecan

Seeds; chia, pumpkin

Wild rice

Nutritional yeast



Steel cut or whole (not quick cook) oats

Protein powder, vegan; to add to smoothies

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And, even these powerful green plants carry 2-5 grams per 1 c serving:

Organic, sweet corn


Broccoli rabe




Brussel sprouts



Portobello mushrooms

Hubbard squash

Collard greens


With all of this said, there’s no rule that says you have to label your eating style.  


There are as many diets as there are people on the planet -- each as unique as you are.  The most important thing is to find a way of eating that makes you feel fabulous, works for your lifestyle and one you can stick with for the long term.  Eating more plants is one easy way to do that!

We know this can sometimes feel overwhelming, so we wanted to share a sample plant-centered meal plan with you! Get your free download, and browse our meal plans, HERE.

Let’s stay connected! Contact me any time, HERE!

Let’s stay connected! Contact me any time, HERE!

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Natural Remedies for IBS

How often does someone check in to see how things are .... moving ....?? 💩

Yes, for real. As someone who struggled with constipation for most of my adult life, this struggle can be REALLLLL, and really painful.

It wasn't that long ago that I cleaned out our medicine cabinet. I reorganized and threw away the norm--expired cold medicine, stray bandaids, the bottle of lotion with one squeeze left in it.

Miralax, stool softeners, beano, benefiber, metamucil..... among what was pulled out of that cabinet--the pool of over the counter supplements, meds and aids for.... 💩💨😳(or lack thereof 😫)


The struggle was real for a long time yo.

There was a span of a few years where I was terrified to eat anything because it seemed anything I ate caused me to blow up like a balloon — literally, my belly like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man. And don’t get me started on the frequent gas. 🥺

It was embarrassing. It was hard to talk about. And it felt shitty #punintened 😉

And for the longest time, I was putting a bandaid on the problems. I know what it's like to walk into a drug store willing to drop any amount of 💰 for any sense of relief or hope for regularity. It took a reallyyyy long time for me to realize that I would never solve the problem without getting to the root of the issue.

That started with the foods I was eating, and learning what works best for my unique body. 🍏

Want to know the magic formula?

While it’s not exactly the same for everyone, it generally encompasses 3 things: FIBER & WATER from plant foods + GLUTEN FREE sources of carbohydrates. That’s it!

You’ve got to try out this awesome plant-filled, gluten free recipe for Tabbouleh! It’s a favorite around here. And, if you’re interested in learning how to up the ante and serve this dish up with some protein packed, plant based savory pancakes, you have to get your hands on this week’s meal plan!

Our winter season was ah-mazing and we are currently seeking a limited number of test group participants for our spring launch of the the meal plan subscription.

This is an awesome opportunity to receive one month of deliciousness, and see a positive impact on your digestion, your energy, your waistline, your wallet and your most valuable resource, YOUR TIME, at a discounted rate. (only $5/week!)

Here's a glimpse at what our members are cooking up this week! If you’d like to be a part of the exclusive test group, comment below or send me a quick email to secure your space!

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This week, we're diving into 

—Chocolate for breakfast!

—A hearty chowder reminiscent of summer

—A veggie burger that is sure to please

—Modern twist on the good ‘ol casserole

— And, a Mediterranean pancake that will blow your damn mind!

This week’s video is all about cutting onions, with a few tips to avoid the tears.

Let's connect!  Contact me HERE anytime.

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Balancing Life & Self Care + Spiced Milk Recipe


I spoke with a friend recently who was like "Sarah, I don't know how you do it all!"

I told her something, and I want to share with you too. 

I shower an average of 5 days a week. I raise my voice. My small kitchen is always trashed. I drop f bombs. {Sometimes in front my 5 year old.} Ive learned to complete most things in shifts. I eat chocolate. We're always late. When I can, I stay in my PJs all day and cook. I shop the sales rack at discount stores. I give Ziggy lollipops and let him watch cartoons. Until about 6 months ago, I drove a car that had a tape deck. Yes, a tape deck. 

I am no different than anyone. I am just a thirty something first time mom. Like many of you, I am trying to navigate this season of my life… figuring out how to balance a career, raise a toddler, grow a baby, prioritize self care, keep my marriage and friendships alive.

It's easy to get caught up in the highlight reel. But let’s be real; nobody really has their shit fully together. Some days it’s not easy to release living up to the standard of perfection that is portrayed in the media. To look at what everyone else is “doing” and not feel adequate enough. But I need to tell you something.




Allow yourself to feel the way that you need to feel, even if that means not being okay some days. Allow yourself to be supported. Allow yourself to hang up your superwoman cape. To do what makes you feel good, continue to live in a way that makes you feel good and inspires you--let the rest go.

And above all, remember that you're doing a really great job. ❤️


Speaking of self care, you have to try this simple recipe for spiced milk. It warms the soul, satisfies a sweet tooth and has anti-inflammatory powers:

dairy free, gluten free, vegan

dairy free, gluten free, vegan

What You'll Need:

1 1/2 c unsweetened almond or coconut milk.

1/4 tsp ground ginger

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/4 tsp turmeric

 1/8 tsp pure stevia

Heat milk, whisk in spices. Sip to your hearts delight!

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P.S. ~ Here's what our members are cooking up this week! If you want in, sign up here by this Wednesday (March 13th):

--Girl Scout Cookies for breakfast (yes, for real) 🍪

--A sweet and spicy lentil salad 🍏

--A heart warming soup, so fresh and so green green 🍲

--Healthy Alfredo! 🍜

--And a veggie loaded spin on rice and beans 🍚

**This week only!  Use Use discount code 👉🏼 Babyiscoming  for 30% off your first month🧚🏼‍♀️

So awesome right?!

Hey, don’t be a stranger! Leave a comment, or contact me directly any time here.

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Easy Foods to Stock up on Leading Up to & Post Baby 🤰🏻👶🏼 (or when life gets crazy)


We're expecting a baby any day now, and I told my hubs Chris last night that I was going on our last big grocery shopping trip to stock up on the essentials.  {like I have control on when this babe will come of something, ha!}  

If you're wondering if I did this same type of planning and preparing 5 years ago when we were expecting Ziggy that answer is a big-fat-no.  I did a lot of winging it back then, in every sense of the word, and stocking our freezer or planning for postpartum nutrition was NOT the first thing on my radar.  I mean, I don’t think it was on my radar at all.

I've learned a lot since then--one big, KEY lesson is how something seemingly insignificant (the food I put into my body) impacts my mood, my energy, my sleep, my patience, and generally how I operate on the day to day.  I've also learned that a little planning or prep can save me lots of time and headaches when life gets cray (because it all the time).

So, whether you're about to have a baby....or are just living your life waiting for a day to throw you a curve ball (cause it will), the resources I've pulled together are going to be super valuable!  

Check out my most recent grocery haul with #easybutton essentials:

And be sure to check out the Stock the Freezer Guide, free downloads, and more, HERE .

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P.S. ~ Here's what our members are cooking up this week! If you want in, sign up here by this Wednesday (March 6th):

 --Chocolate for breakfast (yes, for real)
--An easy twist on an old Mediterranean fave 
--Veggie noodles + curry oh my!
--A loaded baked potato that will not disappoint 
--And a protein packed eggplant dish that everyone will love

Hey, don’t be a stranger! Leave a comment, or contact me directly any time here.

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How to Make Amazing Meals at Home

When I shared last week's free meal plan pics, I received soooo many messages along the lines of "I wish I could make my food look that good! Do you deliver?" 🚗

The answer?

I don't prepare & deliver (yet, lol!), BUT you can TOTALLY make food this good in your own kitchen!! 🤘🏼

This is beauty of these meal plans -- ALL of the hard work is done for you. We've developed and tested the recipes to ensure they don't suck. 👌🏼

Then, we outline what you'll need for each meal, complete with a specific grocery list for the week & pantry staples. Like literally just print and go. 📄

Oh! and a bonus weekly video with time saving kitchen hacks. 💃🏻

Still feeling short on time?

We include #easybutton hacks with each recipe, perfect for people who are busy, want to cut down on prep time, or who value convenience over budget. 🙌🏻

Expect these to be simple. Life is already crazy enough--there is NO need to over-complicate things! We include only what you need to know to get the end result (a fab meal). No fluff. 🦄

If meal planning isn't your jam...if it makes you feel overwhelmed...if you want to eat healthy but are tired of boring, bland food, want more variety and better health-- outsource that shiz! Give yourself the GIFT of these weekly meal plans!! 🎁

{tap the photos to see all the goodness}

This week's plan is LIVE and TO DIE FOR!!

I'm talking tacos for breakfast🌮

The meanest avocado toast you've ever experienced 🥑

A seriously bomb stir fry 🌶

Hearty black bean soup 🍲

...and a tex mex inspired salad for the taking. 🥗

Learn more and get yours here:

How to Get Your Kid to Eat Healthy Food

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🍏How to get your kid to eat healthy food🍏

Give them choices that involve only healthy choices. They'll think they're winning 😉

Don't force them to eat anything. Encourage them to taste and celebrate their willingness to try! 🎊

Eat healthy food. Yup, you! They learn by what they see, not by what we teach. Be a good role model now, while they still think we're cool. 😎

Choose your battles. They'll eat nothing but bananas for 48 hours? They'll survive. Think back to what you lived on back in college. 😳🍻




PS! Did you know we just launched a meal plan subscription?! 

Learn more about The Veg Out Meal Plans here 👉🏼👉🏼

Get a taste (literally!) of what it’s all about, totally free 👉🏼👉🏼

Free Plant Based Meal Plan Download!

I know from experience that trying to eat better can feel confusing, overwhelming and taste bland and boring. So, we’ve been working on an exciting project that makes eating your veggies not suck 👌🏼

Here’s a sneak peak of what’s on the menu this week and you can download it completely free this week!! 😍 (click the image to see them all!)

So, why more plants? 🌱

Aghhhhh where do I begin?!

It is not uncommon for people to experience any combination of the following by incorporating more plant based foods into their diet:

Physically >> Lost weight/inches, lowered blood pressure, lowered blood sugar, lowered cholesterol, balanced hormones, healthier hair & nails, healthier skin, lessened joint pain, regulated bowels 🙌🏻

Mentally>> Eliminated brain fog, increased energy, clearer thinking, overall sense of happiness, regained sense of control, reduced anxiety/depression 🧠

Another huge perk? You'll likely find you are saving money by eating more meals at home, having a plan, utlizing pantry staples, incorporating more plant-based proteins, and have an overall lower grocery bill! 💰

Actual reflections from people eating from the plans:

“The food tastes great. Best of all I have not been constipated since incorporating your food!! Finally!!!!”

"My energy is increased, and my skin is clearing up!"

"The recipes share ingredients so there is no waste!"

Learn more about The Veg Out Meal Plans here 


This is the last week the free plan is available! Get your hands on it here 



Meal Plans

If you wish you had a plan heading into each week... are looking for a simple, consistent place to start... maybe feel like you're getting bored with food... and want to layer something in that doesn't break the bank (or taste like cardboard)... Read on, sister, read on…!

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Peace Out Bland and Boring ✌🏼

Colorful, balanced plant-based meals that are proof eating your veggies does not have to suck. These nutrient dense meals are designed to deliver flavor & satiety that balance blood sugar, reduce cravings and help the body do what it knows how to do best -- use food as fuel to give YOU energy!


Increased Energy & Improved Health 🚀⚡️

People report lost weight/inches, lowered blood pressure, lowered blood sugar, lowered cholesterol, balanced hormones, healthier hair & nails, healthier skin, lessened joint pain, healthy bowels, eliminated brain fog, increased energy, clearer thinking, overall sense of happiness, regained sense of control, reduced anxiety/depression...and more. Just by eating more plants.


Weekly Hacks 💡

​As a bonus every week, you'll receive a personalized video from Certified Holistic Health and Lifestyle Coach, Sarah Kaminski. She'll share her favorite kitchen hacks--including anything from food prep, grocery shopping, food storage, life saving kitchen gadgets, cooking techniques and more! These will ultimately save you money, time and lots of headaches!


What kind of results can I expect? 


Aghhhh where do I begin?!  It is not uncommon for people to experience any combination of the following by incorporating more plant based foods into their diet:

Physically >>  Lost weight/inches, lowered blood pressure, lowered blood sugar, lowered cholesterol, balanced hormones, healthier hair & nails, healthier skin, lessened joint pain,  regulated bowels

Mentally>>  Eliminated brain fog, increased energy, clearer thinking, overall sense of happiness, regained sense of control, reduced anxiety/depression 

Another huge perk?  You'll likely find you are saving money by eating more meals at home, having a plan, incorporating more plant-based proteins, and have an overall lower grocery bill!


What’s Included



Each week, you will receive (5) new recipes.  (1) breakfast, (1) lunch, (3) dinner.  If you feel like the lunch recipe would make a good dinner, or the breakfast recipe a good lunch, etc, by all means, do your thing!  


Expect these to be simple -- there is NO need to over-complicate things!  We include only what you need to know to get the end result (a fab meal). No fluff.  

Macro Breakdown

Each recipe with include a list of macronutrients -- these are the essential and bulk nutrients (protein, fat & carbohydrates) the body requires on the daily  for growth, energy, and health.  I will also include fiber sources, as these are essential for optimal health and vitality!  

Grocery List

Every week is complete with a grocery list, organized by section, to streamline and simplify your shopping experience.  Can I get a hell yeah?! 

Pantry Staples

These are things that may, or may not, already be staples to your pantry (or fridge/freezer).  Not to worry, as you will begin to slowly accumulate ingredients that you will use over and over again! Be prepared to stock some flavorful and nutrient dense staples to your pantry, fridge and freezer!  


Grocery lists note #easybutton hacks where appropriate.  These are great options for people who are busy, want to cut down on prep time, or who value convenience over budget.  Use these as you see fit!  

Favorite Kitchen Hack 

As a bonus every week, you'll receive a personalized video from Certified Holistic Health and Lifestyle Coach, Sarah Kaminski.  She'll share her favorite kitchen hacks--including anything from food prep, grocery shopping, food storage, life saving kitchen gadgets, cooking techniques and more!  These will ultimately save you money, time and lots of headaches! 

"It's all done for me. I don't have to rack my brain about what to eat!"

"I finally broke through my plateau and am back to pre pregnancy weight!"

"The recipes share ingredients so there is no waste!"




Who is this for?  

If you are…

—Too busy to plan home cooked meals

—Ready to learn to eat in a way that you can sustain for the rest of your life

—Really wanting to eat & cook healthier/more balanced meals but don’t know where to start

—Maybe bored with food, and want to incorporate meals that aren't bland, boring, or taste like cardboard

What is included each week?

—1 breakfast recipe

—1 lunch recipe

—3 dinner recipes

—Grocery list

—Pantry staple list 

—Macro breakdown so you begin to understand where you’re getting your protein, carbohydrates, fat plus other important nutrients in your plant centered meals!

+ a bonus video each week with a favorite kitchen hack

Why aren't there enough recipes for 3 meals per day, 7 days per week?

Because many of them would go to waste!  We generally tend to bite off more than we can chew (figuratively and literally, ha!)  Plus, not every {one} body thrives from a 100% plant-based diet.  This is about beginning to layer in some more plant-centered meals,  all while keeping you out of overwhelm and into action!  

When will I receive my first meal plan?

Access to your first meal plan is available immediately upon enrollment.  Yay!

 What kind of recipes can I expect?  

100% of the recipes included in the program are plant-centered.  While not all bodies thrive from a 100% plant-based diet, ALL bodies benefit from incorporating MORE plants!  This is an awesome way to incorporate more veggies into your diet, try new foods, and improve your health, energy and vitality.  If you are looking for bland, tasteless meals, this will NOT be your jam.  

What is the cost?  

Membership is only $25/month!  To put this into perspective, you can take back your life and radiate health and happiness for less than the cost of…

1 Starbucks per week

2 bottles of decent wine per month

A date night to the movies

…or a manicure

Amazing, right?!

What if I decide the subscription is not for me?

You can cancel at any time by emailing support(   

What if there is someone who I think would love this subscription program, too?

Share it with them!  For every (1) new person you personally refer, you'll get $10 off your subscription the following month.   It's like giving the gift of health to both yourself and people you care about--and I mean seriously, what is better than that?!  

What if I have questions?

For questions, or to make changes to your account, email support   We will be in touch with you directly within 24 hours M-F!  

"My energy is increased, and my skin is clearing up!"

"My GI issues are completely resolved."

"What I’ve learned has changed my life and my mind regarding food is changed forever!"

Still on the fence?

Check out this short 20 minute workshop!


Ready to incorporate our not-bland-not-boring-taste-freaking-fabulous recipes to simplify your life, save money, and improve your health?

Questions? Contact me directly! Can’t wait to get cooking together!

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