Hummus Wraps

vegetarian | gluten free | dairy free | egg free | soy free | nut free | vegan

15 minutes or less | batch prep


What You’ll Need:

For the Hummus:

2 cans cannellini or white navy beans, drained & rinsed

¼ c tahini

4 cloves garlic

1 tsp sea salt

For the wraps:

1 package grain free or gluten free tortillas

2 tomatoes, sliced thin

2 avocados, peeled & sliced

1 container of sprouts, any variety

Everything Bagel Seasoning

Combine ingredients for hummus in a food processor or high speed blender. Puree until smooth.

Store hummus in the fridge to have on hand for quick lunches throughout the week;

Load up 2 wraps with hummus, avocado, tomato, sprouts and everything bagel seasoning.

Makes about 8 wraps, serving 4