Banana Bread Pancakes

vegetarian | gluten free | soy free | dairy free

30 minutes or less | batch prep


What You’ll Need:

3 ripe bananas, peeled

4 eggs

1/4 c filtered water

2 Tbsp ground flaxseed

2 c almond flour

1/4 c + 2 Tbsp coconut flour

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp cinnamon

pinch sea salt

coconut oil for greasing pan

For serving:

pure maple syrup

5-6c fresh fruit of choice

Heat a skillet or griddle to med-high heat.

Then, using a large fork or potato masher, mash bananas at the bottom of large bowl. Add set ingredients and wisk to combine.

Add dry ingredients to bowl, mix well.

Lightly grease or spray skillet with coconut oil. Use a ¼ c measuring cup to dollop cakes onto the hot skillet. These are delicate, cakelike pancakes that will NOT bubble. Wait about 4 minutes before flipping.

Use spatula to press cake down once flipped & cook opposite side 3-4 minutes, and repeat with remaining batter.

Dive right in, or store in the fridge for easy grab go breakfasts all week long.

Serve with fruit of choice and a drizzle of pure maple syrup!

Makes 10-12 cakes, serving 5-6 hungry bellies.