Enjoy Pizza and Wine without Deprivation!

I have an amazing recipe to share with you, but wanted to share a quick story with you first..


I spent my entire adult life yo-yo dieting, Googling "How to Lose 5 Pounds," and obsessing about what I did or did't eat,

I was never happy with the scale, and I was constantly checking my reflection to make sure clothes weren’t pinching to “make me look bigger than I already was”.

Years of "fad diet" eating patterns ultimately led to hormone imbalance, fertility struggles and irritable bowels.


Over the last 3 years, I have studied how to BREAK FREE from dieting and FINALLY, for the first time in my adult life, feel comfortable and confident in my skin. I am finally, truly, honoring my body, setting a healthy example for my son, and being engaged in a healthy relationship with myself. 

Other perks along the way?  I have healed my body from hormone imbalance, fertility struggles, irritable bowel, and brittle hair & nails and chronic skin issues with FOOD and LIFESTYLE.  Yup, it's possible.

My business has evolved quite a bit— I've worked with people from all different backgrounds with all different needs.

Much of what I do now is inspired by what I’ve overcome...

I empower women to stop dieting so they can be present, honor their bodies, and feel confident in the skin they're in. ✨


So, maybe..

🙅 Have recently done a starvation cleanse or deprivation diet only to see unsatisfying results

🙈 Are tired of spending an hour Googling the next big diet breakthrough EVERY SINGLE NIGHT

🤷🏻‍♀️ Feel too busy to even begin wrapping your head around consistently planning high quality meals for you and your family

💃🏻 Are so ready to finally get this diet and food thing on lock down, so you can be present and feel JOY in your life


I hear you, sister I hear you! I’ve worn these shoes.


Now Imagine …

🍕 Being tuned into the foods that are right for YOUR unique body, and even eating pizza….or ice cream….or tacos, WITHOUT guilt.

💰 Confidently heading into every week with a meal plan, saving money, time and your waistline

🎊 Ditching diets forever!  Find a way of eating that is sustainable for the long term.

📸 Putting yourself back in front of the camera,  and feeling good enough about yourself again so you can be PRESENT in your life!

WITHOUT quick fixes, pills, starvation cleanses, negative self talk or bullshit.✌🏼


I've done this.  I've helped other women to do this.  You can do this, too.


If you’re like, “ummmmm she’s talking about me,” say YESSSSS to yourself! 

With school officially kicked off, it's time to take care of YOU.  We have a group program kicking off THIS MONTH, and you should join us. There are just a few spaces left—and one has YOUR name on it.  

We’ll be operating from a place of self love & positive self talk. So be prepared for some major breakthroughs. ❤️

Trust me, I know it's not easy to ask for support.  But I PROMISE we’re #bettertogether

If you are ready to say HELL YES to yourself, contact me HERE and I will get back to you ASAP with everything you need to get started! 


PS you NEED to try this recipe for fruit crisp.  It DOES NOT disappoint.  <3 


Free 30 Minute Workshop: Find Food Freedom!

As I savored every bite of breakfast this morning, I couldn’t help but think about how grateful I am to have figured all of this diet crap out. 🙌🏻


For the longest time, I didn’t eat breakfast. I figured, well, one less meal means that many fewer calories. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Then that period of time where I banned carbs. I don’t even want to talk about it. I think I had PTSD for a long time afterward. 🤬

Then there was that period of time I had a meal replacement shake daily for breakfast. Great on occasion, but MAN was I hangry and already eating a second breakfast 2 hours later. 👿

All of this confusion and trauma, coupled with my journey to naturally balancing my hormones + irritable bowel, inspired studies in what the 5% of people who are succeeding are doing right. 💁🏻‍♀️

{Yup you read that right. 95% of our attempts to get the body and health that we want are failing, which is why we’re constantly searching for a new solution}

Anyway, I’m dying to get what I’ve learned out to the masses. 🤩

So, I've outlined the exact steps that I’ve applied in my own life to obtain food freedom, heal my body from hormone imbalance and irritable bowels...and my clients apply to theirs in this 30 minute workshop! 

So excited to bring this to you! We're starting soon, see you there!!  

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Aghhhh. This is so much easier said than done!! In a world of social media and internet, we are constantly bombarded with messages about “not being good enough.”


Not healthy enough, happy enough, organized enough.

Not attractive enough, not worthy enough.

Not thin enough, successful enough

Not young enough, not fun enough.


Where YOU are right NOW.

Not where you were 20 years ago, not where the lingerie model is, not your coworker is, your sister, or that random girl you keep seeing on your IG feed.


This is about honoring and celebrating where you are, RIGHT NOW, creating a vision for where you want to be, and layering in the steps necessary to begin to fill that gap. 

August mentor-ships filled up fast, but we're enrolling for September!  I mentor a limited number of women each month through my signature program, Nourished Life.  AMAZING things are happening!!  Here's a glimpse:


"Prior to making the commitment to the program, I was nervous that I would fail..and that failing would cost money. This program is such a refreshing blend of nutrition coaching, cognitive behavioral therapy, and female empowerment seminar. My Type I diabetes is under control, all my lab results have gone from good to ridiculously good, my energy, self-confidence and self-talk have all improved.  And I am down 9+ pounds! " -VG
"I’ve always been hesitant to do anything for myself, let alone open up and look at things I could change/fix. This program had so many personal touches and was designed specifically for me.   I am down 10+ pounds, have more energy, am more motivated to try new things and have so much more patience with my kids.  (most of the time!  ;)" -MC

"Sarah changed my mind regarding food, forever.  She has truly changed me and pointed me in the RIGHT direction!!  I am so tuned into how my body FEELS when I eat.  It's so easy now to pass on the garbage!  I don't have to ponder or think.. my mind automatically says no." -CP  


Space each month is limited--Here with open arms to support you when you’re ready ❤️👉🏼📧

New Take On The New Year Resolution

Ya know how we all tend to think that January 1st is a powerful day? A day for new beginnings, for starting over, for finally going after your next-level dreams--the body...the health...the relationships that you want (and deserve!).

No one thinks, "August 10th is a great day to start a new chapter in my life!" But why not?

What would happen if you gave today all the power of January 1st?

I spent my entire adult life yo-yo dieting, Googling "How to Lose 5 Pounds," and obsessing about what I did or did't eat.

I did a lot of "starting on Monday," "starting over again tomorrows" and felt like my every moment was consumed with thoughts of what I did or didn't eat.

Through it all, I've been a size 2, and a size 10, and you know what I have FINALLY figured out?!

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When you're not feeling deprived, you don't need to start again and stop again. When you've learned how to tune with how your body FEELS when you eat certain foods, you begin to consistently make choices that make you feel good. Because, um, who wants to feel like 💩--in body and mind-- all the time? (I sure settled for that--for a long time)

It doesn’t matter how old you are, what your experience is, how healthy you are in this moment, or what your current pant size is. TODAY is the day where you draw the line in the sand and CHOOSE to ban dieting forever, and be FREE so you can be present for the important people in your life, honor your body, and feel confident in the skin you're in.

I talked to so many incredible women last week, who drew their line in the sand. I am beyond thrilled to lock arms with them and guide them as they learn to eat in a way that is unique to them, WITHOUT quick fixes, pills, starvation cleanses, negative self talk or bullshit..

I've opened up a few more slots open in my calendar this week, and I invite you to book one. There is no better time than right NOW! <3

❤ 👇🏼

Breaking Free from the Diet Mentality

Heeeeyyyyyy! 🏼

How was your weekend?!? I have an amazing recipe to share with you, but wanted to share a quick story with you first..

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You know how we get those memory reminders from different apps? These photos both popped up pretty recently and it had me majorly reflecting on how far I have come.

The photo on the left was taken in twenties, when I began dieting. I tried everything--

Diet pills....Low carb....Grapefruit....Cabbage soup....Point counting....Calorie counting....Portion counting....Over exercising....Drinking my calories....Saving up and then binging...

It was the consistent struggle between “getting back on track” or just saying eff it and drinking wine and binge eat SnackWells cookies for dinner, even though I just had restocked my fridge with loads of fresh produce. 

I was always looking for the next big thing that was going to give me the body I really wanted, but was really stuck on the,start-again-stop-again train. 

This middle photo is the thinnest I have ever been (important to note this was POST BABY) -- and also the real beginning of what I now recognize was a completely warped body image. I loved my body here -- but I didn't enjoy my life. I was completely obsessed with food, did 3 day starvation cleanses regularly to "reboot" or "get back on track" and was super judgmental every time I ate "too many" carbs, "too much" fat, or enjoyed an ice cream cone with my family. 

My pant size was never small enough, I was never happy with the scale, and was constantly checking my reflection to make sure my clothes weren’t pinching to “make me look bigger than you already are”. 🤣

The photo on the right? This is true food freedom. 

This is BREAKING FREE from dieting and FINALLY, for the first time in my adult life, feeling comfortable and confident in my skin. This is honoring my body. 

Here's the deal: Americans spend north of $60 billion annually to try to get the body they want, on everything from paying for gym memberships and joining weight-loss programs to drinking diet soda. 🥤

And get this--95% of those people FAIL and find themselves looking for the next fix or solution. 

This approach is FAILING US. We’re running in a hamster wheel! I was running in that wheel with that 95% for a lonnggggg time. 

I mean seriously, in what other industry do we trust a 5% success rate?!

I don't know about you, but I'm not buying a car from someone who has all but 5% of their cars returned. 

So how did I achieve this food freedom? I studied the 5% of people who are not only achieving their health goals, but maintaining them for LIFE. 

I've helped countless other women to do this...WITHOUT quick fixes, pills, starvation cleanses, negative self talk or bullshit..

Here’s what they’re saying:

“This change feels really nice and is so easy. I have so much more energy and am down more pounds this week. This stuff is amazing!!" -V.M.

“I’ve always been hesitant to do anything for myself, let alone open up and look at things I could change/fix. I thought this was going to be so hard, but I'm down over 10 pounds, am trying new foods and have more patience with my kids!" -M.C.

"I finally feel in control. I am acutely aware of the decisions that I make with regard to my nutrition and my body --no longer do my choices send me into the cycle of guilt that eventually results in giving up on myself." -S.T.

You can do this, too. 

If you’re like, “ummmmm she’s talking about me,” say HELL YES to yourself!

We're leaving for vacation this week, but I've opened up a couple of slots in my schedule for complimentary sessions before we head out. 


PS. This isn't for everyone - I am looking for go-getters with an unstoppable commitment to break free from the diet mentality and put themselves back in the driver's seat. Women who are willing to do something different to get something different while simultaneously creating a lifestyle that affords them to be PRESENT and ENGAGED in their life, with the people they love.

️Oh! And you NEED to try this recipe for chocolate chia pudding. It DOES NOT disappoint. 

Talk soon,

xo, sarah

How to Find the Right Foods for YOUR Body

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Women are often searching for the right way to get the body, the health, and the ideal weight they’ve always dreamed of. The problem is, rather than figuring out what is right for THEIR unique body, they do what’s working for their best friend, neighbor, or colleague...they measure portions, count calories and points just hoping for their long term solution.

They often feel deprived, hopeless, and are tired of spending so much time obsessing about what they did or didn't eat.

The reason this feels so stressful is because they’ve focused on what works for everyone but THEMSELVES.

There's a better way….

(And can I be honest with you? The answer to the long term solution has very little to do with weight loss.) Even if you’ve tried everything. I mean everything.

In fact, you can skip all of the complicated & time consuming strategy for now and go straight to loving your body NOW, while you continue to transform habits that will change your life (and your pant size… if that’s what you want!)

This is a hot topic... it's something I've seen play out in my own life, and countless of the women I work with.  

So, I put together this FREE presentation that reveals the essential 5 step process I used to go from being completely consumed with my weight, and pant size, to walking into a store and buying clothes that feel good on my NOW body, regardless of the number on tag.

>> Eat and LIVE without obsessing! Know what your unique body actually needs

>> Break free from GUILT around food (without giving up all the good stuff)

>> Clear the BS stories you tell yourself once and for all

>> Use the simple mindset shifts I teach in this 30 minute presentation to quit worrying! Quit comparing! And quit feeling like you are never good enough!

...WITHOUT quick fixes, pills, starvation cleanses, negative self talk or bullshit.. ✌🏼

I share with you my entire approach - my mindset, my approach to eating, how to be freed from food and diets... every detail....

Tune in and watch me take away your frustration! :-) Tag a friend to come along too!!

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Nourished Life

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Aghhhhh I am so excited to introduce you to my flagship program: Nourished Life! 

Enrollment is limited to 6 women, who want to:

→  Break free from GUILT around food without giving up pizza ... or bread ... or wine...   so they can feel happy and proud of themselves every day


→  Lean in and listen to what their body is telling them it needs right now, in THIS season of their life so they can eat and LIVE without always obsessing!


→ Want to clear the mental clutter and BS stories they have been telling themselves for years so they can finally create space for things that are more important than their pant size.

Let me guess… This is you?

Alright, good..

After helping hundreds of women I now know what they need most is...

To put THEMSELVES back on their to-do list, allow themselves to be SUPPORTED, and to have the tools to tap back into their INTUITION.  

If you…

•Fear your body is changing for the worse

•Constantly compare your body to others, and always reflect back to when you were in a size {whatever}

•Are holding off on buying new clothes because you are waiting to fit back in to your smaller ones….and your currently living in leggings

•Want to truly end this lifelong roller coaster ride and love your body NOW, in this season of your life

Well... this 10 week program might just be a fit for you.

Nourished Life isn't about quick fixes.  It’s about giving you lasting results that work with your life (all the busy-ness, all the pizza, all the vacations and holidays).

I've actually created a system designed to lean in and listen to what your body is telling you it needs right now, in THIS season of your life without any guilt.

You get 1:1 and group support.

And instead of giving you loads and loads of information at once, it will be layered in, to keep you out of overwhelm, and into action.  

This is about learning to tap into your YOUR INTUITION...
Which is why we're only enrolling 6 women who are eager to drop the starvation cleanses, negative self talk and BS.  

This month’s enrollment is nearly filled and next month is already half full...

If you think you're a fit...

Don’t delay, schedule your complimentary call now  >>>

I'm excited for us to have our first kick-off call. Get ready to feel more than good enough, FEEL COMPLETE JOY and be PRESENT in your life again!

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Love Your Body NOW, Even if You Aren't at Your Goal Weight

I was {this close} to not sharing this photo because my face looked too round. 🤦🏻‍♀️


WHYYYYYYY do we do this to ourselves?! 😭

I’ve spent my entire life judging myself, obsessing and never feeling like my body was good enough.

It took peering back at the reflection of my postpartum body after 2 back to back pregnancy losses for me to realize that in order to truly heal and move forward I had to learn to embrace, love, and celebrate my body NOW, in this moment.

And if I’m being totally honest, I’m still working through some of those old demons 😈

It’s funny, I've had a couple people ask me recently what is it is I'm doing in my business, and are still not really sure what I do as a Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach. 🌱

My business has evolved quite a bit— I've worked with people from all different backgrounds with all different needs.

Much of what I do is inspired by what I’ve overcome...

I empower women to stop obsessing about their pant size, honor their bodies, feel alive and stay inspired in the skin they're in. ✨

So, maybe...

🙅 You are tired of obsessing about food, your weight, and your pant size.

🙈You cannot look in the mirror or at a photograph without picking yourself apart, or maybe avoid it altogether.

🤷🏻‍♀️You are consistently put others needs first, and are out of touch with what you truly need and desire

I hear you, sister I hear you! I’ve worn these shoes.

Now Imagine …

💃🏻Walking into a store and buying clothes that feel good on your NOW body, regardless of the number on tag.

🍕Eating pizza….or bread….or wine, WITHOUT guilt and still feel happy and proud of yourself.

⚖️ Stepping on the scale and not allowing the number to dictate your mood. 🤬

📸 Putting yourself back in front of the camera, heading to the pool without covering your body, and start feeling good enough about yourself again so you can be PRESENT in your life!

...WITHOUT quick fixes, pills, starvation cleanses, negative self talk or bullshit.. ✌🏼

If you’re like, “ummmmm she’s talking about me,” say YES to yourself!

We just re-launched our custom 6 week foundational program, Nourished Life, and you should join us.  One-on-one coaching with yours truly, group support, private membership site with customized resources, recipes, tutorials, coaching session tutorials, BONUS materials, including the 14 Day Cleanse, and MORE!  

We’ll be operating from a place of self love & positive self talk. So be prepared for some major breakthroughs. ❤️

Girl, we’re #bettertogether

If you are ready to say HELL YES to yourself, contact me directly HEREand I will get back to ASAP.  

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Part 4: Grocery Shopping Simplified


Effective Grocery Shopping

You are well on your way to being super organized and saving some serious cash on your next grocery trip!  Today, we’ll talk ways to making this trip quick, and kind to the wallet.  


  1. Set up your shopping list the way that your grocery is set up.  Envision the space, and start your list where you will enter.  The majority of the time, this is the produce section. So, first on the list; produce.  Last on my list is typically dairy, as that is what is at the opposite end of the store.  And everything else falls between!

  2. STICK TO THE LIST.  I mean it.  Don’t be tempted by sales, or talk yourself into buying something that “just looks so good.”  If you effectively planned for this trip (which you did), you already know what’s on sale, and probably have it on your list anyway.          

  3. If you have kids, be prepared with snacks.  LOTS of snacks.  It’s hard to buzz around a store with a cranky child.  A whole apple is always a good choice for us--provides 15-20 minutes of solid, sticky entertainment.  

  4. Consider a smaller store.  The bigger the store, the more choices, and let’s face it, the more madness.  Choose a smaller grocery in your area to make your time spent there most effective.  

  5. Opt for fresh foods.  Doing this forces you to remain on the PERIMETER of the store.  While there are certainly exceptions, most of what is found in the aisles is overly processed, overpriced and not-so-good for you anyway.  Avoiding the aisles as much as possible leads to a quick and effective shopping trip!

  6. Stay away from the self checkout line.  You don’t know the PLUs, you will probably scan something incorrectly, and I guarantee you something will go wrong that that damn scale.  Then, you will need to wait 3 minutes for someone to come over and scan their card to turn off your blinking red light.  Meanwhile, the person who entered the “long” line next to you is already on their way out.  Let the cashier do the work for you.  Bonus?  They will more than likely do the bagging for you, to.

What are your tips for survival? 

Looking for parts 1-3 of the meal planning series?  Get in touch!  Contact me directly HERE.  

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How to Find Balance and Gain Control Over Food

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I've loved my body through deprivation, and hated it through indulgence.  (anyone else ever binge eat cookies the week of Christmas and then deprive yourself the first week of January?) 

This was one of the many...I’ve done them all!

Binging then starving.

Saving up and then binging 🍕🌯🍦

Diet pills.

Meal replacements.

Low carb.


Cabbage soup.

Point counting.

Calorie counting.

Portion counting.

Over exercising.

Drinking my calories 🍺.

As someone very involved in the group ex and fitness sector for the last 10+ years, I was someone who admittedly taught and practiced the diet approach for many years. It came down to calories in + calories out.

But here’s the thing.  If it worked, everyone would be in here ideal pant size, beaming with energy, feeling confident in their skin, and we would all be freed from this obsession regarding “what to eat and what not to eat.”

Here’s what I’ve learned: it’s MORE than just diet and exercise.

There is MORE.


YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE than a freaking calorie expenditure!


And when you’re tapped into what that how that FEELS, you begin to make choices that HONOR the true miracle that you are. ❤️

You are the only you that will ever be born—and you only get one shot at this. 

Want to live your life obsessing about what you did or didn't eat, hating your body, skipping the pool and dodging the camera ? 

Or, free to enjoy ice cream with your kids, to eat and drink at the BBQ,  to enjoy a date night followed by dessert--WITHOUT JUDGEMENT OR GUILT!?


 You have the power to release judgement and shift to PROGRESS vs streamlined perfection. 👊🏼


Allow yourself be okay with not doing it alone!!  (As someone who likes to figure out everything on my own, TRUST ME, I know how hard this is).

If you’re sick of obsessing, like you've tried everything...if what's always worked is no longer working or you know that deep down if you don’t get a handle on this you’re going to miss out on the next great thing in your LIFE...


I’m opening up my schedule next week for complimentary sessions!!  

These are on a first come, first serve basis, and will fill up fast!  #bettertogether

Summer Holiday Survival 101

You can attend your holiday celebrations without feeling deprived!  #forrealyo


Here are some tips to help you get through:

BRING along a healthy option to share.  This is a kind gesture, while also guaranteeing a healthy option at your celebration! See some of my favorites linked at the bottom of this blog post!


  >> Going for seconds?  No probs!  Gulp down 20-30 ounces first! 

  >> Want the sugar cookie?  Sure thing!  Gulp 20-30 ounces of water FIRST! 

  >> Want a margarita?  Perfect!  Gulp 20-30 ounces (of water, not tequila ;)   first.  

EAT MORE PLANTS. Envision your magic plate when building your meal.  Do your best to not graze--those little bites throughout the day add up!

>> Don't know what a magic plate is? Get yours HERE.

Make good CHOICES: Choose a vinegar based salad over a mayonnaise based one. Try and open faced sandwich by ditching that half the bun. Small choices make a BIG impact!

STAY active! A holiday is even more reason to move your body with intention.  Get a walk under your belt, a short hike, or run around and play an active game with the kids .  You will feel so much better by keeping your body moving!

→Most importantly, ENJOY yourself!! You are NOT dieting!! You are making making choices that SERVE you. And chances are, you will inspire someone today.  <3 

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Find some of my easy peasy take along items below.  


Homemade Hummus with raw veggies                                       

Garden pasta salad

Black Bean Salsa

Summer Lentil Salad       

3 Bean Salad


4 Bean Salad


Sweet Treat:                                                           


Chickpea Brownies    

Connect with me HERE!  

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Why is Being Healthy So Expensive?

Things I used to spend a lot of money on...

🚬cigarettes. $7+ pack/4 packs a week

🍻happy hour. $75 on average for drinks and apps/2x week

🍴dinners out. Chris and I used to go out, often times on a whim, 2-3x/week for dinner. For both of us, $80 each meal with a few drinks.

🍏grocery shopping. Never a plan, never a list, and we were always stopping to pick up "one" thing on our way home from work. Our average cost for groceries per month, as a family of TWO were upwards of $250/week. And because we ended up eating out on a whim half the time, I would throw tons of fresh produce away at the end of each week. 😆

⭕️the dollar bin at Target. It's like it immediately puts you into a trance when you walk into the store, "look into eye. Walk through me and buy all the things!!!" I can't be the only one who has walked into target for two things and left, literally, with bags full of shit from those aisles. Never used to get out of there spending less than $200, at least 1x/month.

=$2,632/month 😳

Then, when it came to investing in my health or personal growth, I was like, "OMG! That is how much???! It's just not in my budget right now." 😂

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I'm not going to lie. I still enjoy a drink or meal out, and that damn dollar bin. But you know what I've realized? Very modest changes in those 👆🏼spending habits opened up opportunities for me to invest in myself, over and over again.

Bottom line is this: our physical and mental health should be our #1 priority. Without it, the meals out, occasional happy hours with friends, and all that shit we buy at the dollar bin really doesn’t matter. 🤷🏻‍♀️

So, the next time you say no to yourself, consider taking a look at how and where you are spending. Chances are, like me, you have money hiding all over the place 💸

✌🏼❤️💪🏼  peace love and strength, sister.  we've totally got this!  

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Say YES to yourself and begin your journey >> Connect with me HERE.  

Meal Planning 101: Part 3

Money.  We all have it, we all spend it.  It’s the HOW we spend it that gets us most often,  Today let’s talk tips to saving the moo-lah when shopping for food.

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Let’s first get back to getting in tune with your kitchen.  Since you now know what is IN your fridge, you know when it needs to be cycled OUT.  We don’t always get around to using every last bit of everything, even though it is our best intention.  At the end of each week, take a look at what’s in your fridge and PRESERVE.  The easiest way to do this is to prep and freeze.  Just about everything can be frozen and used later--let’s look at some examples.

Kraut is super easy and a delicious way to preserve a giant cabbage.

Kraut is super easy and a delicious way to preserve a giant cabbage.

Veggies:  Braise and freeze.  I’m talking greens, broccoli, carrots, peppers...Just about everything (with an exception of lettuce & celery) freeze well for later use. Chop them up, braise in salted, boiling water for a few minutes, drain and pop into a freezer baggie to use in your next culinary creation.  Don’t have time for this? Start a freezer baggie for not-so-hot looking veggies to make a broth for later.

Half open containers of just about anything:  I’m talking the half used quart of veggie stock, the half can of beans in the tupperware, the cup of  cooked rice left from Wednesday.  Measure it, mark a freezer baggie, and pop in the freezer.

Leftovers:  Again, the majority can be frozen--even if it is just one portion.  Great to pull out of the freezer on a whim for lunch or dinner down the road.

2.  Buy in bulk.  You don’t have to be a member of Costco to take advantage of purchasing bulk food.  Buy QUARTS of yogurt rather than cups, BOXES of crackers rather than snack packs, 5lb bag of carrots instead of baby carrots and shop in the bulk section of your grocery store for grains, nuts, and other goodies when it is an option for you.  A pound of organic rolled oats in the bulk section at Whole Foods will run just over $2.  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

3.  Commit to one plant-based meal a day.  This will, without a doubt, keep some money in the bank.  Bonus?  Better for your health and the environment!  

4.  Join a CSA!  A CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is basically a local farm share.  There are so many great options and benefits here.  Our CSA typically breaks down to $23 per week, and provides all of the veggies (plus some fruit!) that we need for the week.  Most farms offer a budget plan, which allows you to spread out payments across a few months.  Ccheck out LocalHarvest for one near you! 

CSA Shares from 2017

CSA Shares from 2017

5.  Commit to ONE grocery shopping day per week.  You’re using that list you created while meal planning, so no excuses here.  Chris and I were the KINGS of stopping to get “one thing” on the way home from work and would come out $40 in the hole.  Multiply those “one thing” stops by 3, and you’ve spent some serious cash!!  There is a rare exception we allow ourselves to revisit the store each week.  Make that a rule for yourself and stick to it.  

6.  Consider making 2 grocery stops.  Go ahead, call me crazy.  If you are serious about saving money, you should DO THIS!  We make 2 lists each week--one for Aldi, a discount food store in our area, and one for Whole Foods.  The stores are located just miles away from one another.  We get what we can from Aldi, and then get the rest from Whole Foods.  I am more and more impressed with the organic options available at Aldi, and their selection is always changing.  

7.  Commit to the Dirty Dozen list when purchasing produce.  The clean 15 represents produce lower in pesticide residue, while the dirty dozen is the highest, so best to buy organic.  By sticking to this list, I feel good about what I am feeding my family and doing my part to protect the environment from the pesticide funk.


What tips do you have to saving the moo-lah?  Share below!


June Jumpstart

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It's almost summer!

In honor of the season of sunshine and growth, I invite you to embark on a journey of self-care, healing and rejuvenation.     

It is easy to put these things on the back-burner when the days are longer, the kids are out of school, and routines feel out the window.You want to bring our A game -- to be alive and engaged with them, which means it's easy to put yourself last.  

But here's the thing...

You can't bring your A game when you’re depleted, exhausted, overworked, over committed, and consistently putting your needs last. You cannot pour from an empty pitcher.

When you do, you AND your loved ones end up cheated. They don’t get the best version of you, they get a worn down, depleted, cranky, walking dead version of you.  You think you're bringing your A game, but instead are bringing your B, or C or D game.

You DESERVE to feel nourished, to have confidence, to have energy and a spring in your step!  For you AND the people that you love.

Are you ready?

This 6 week group coaching program might be a good for you if:

→ Feel confused about the best foods for your body

→ Are interested in approaching your body, your health, and your weight from a place of self love

→ Want to adopt mindful patterns around your health

→ Are ready to trade short term solutions for long term, sustainable solutions


This group program is designed to take the confusion about what to eat, provide a platform for mindful patterns around your health and create a foundation for long term, sustainable lifestyle change. No crazy pills, tricks, gimmicks, or diets of negative self talk.

Just real food, the real system, tools and support you need to approach your health (and your BODY) from a place of self love.  From this place, making food and lifestyle choices that serve you become easy!

What’s included:

>> (3) 1:1 60 Minute Coaching Coaching Sessions with me via phone or webcall.  I will share customized coaching exercises that are guaranteed to accelerate your results and help you achieve major breakthroughs so you can see transformation in your body – and your life.

>>(3) Group Q&A Sessions via webcall.  Sessions held for added support, accountability and to build community between 1:1 sessions.

>>  Exclusive Online Membership Site.  

 --(7) Modules, complete with coaching, tutorials, relevant resources, recipes, handouts, including the 14 Day Cleanse, and MORE.

>>  Email Support Between Sessions.  Monday-Friday, expect a response from me personally within 24 hours.  

This group program doesn’t exist to give you MORE information; it exists to give you CURATED information. What that means is that what you can expect is information that is relevant, practical and actionable, so you can stay out of overwhelm and in action!!

In order to give you the best possible coaching experience, space is limited! This group program is only offered 6 times a year!  Applicants will be considered on a first come-first serve basis.

We kick off the week of June 17!



Still on the fence?  


I get it.  It has to just be "another program."  Trust me, I've tried them all.  

Until a few years ago, I would let one “bad” choice lead to another...and then another. It was like the never ending cycle of judgement, kind of like this:

Eats a donut at work 👉🏼 says, well eff it, I just screwed up today 👉🏼 eats candy off friends desk 👉🏼 leaves packed lunch in fridge and grabs take out 👉🏼 eats cookie in the afternoon 👉🏼 gahhhhh I feel like 💩 👉🏼 goes home 👉🏼skips workout 👉🏼 has wine and an entire bag of skinny pop instead of dinner.

This cycle would continue sometimes for days, other times for weeks. It was the “being good or being bad” syndrome. It sucked 🤣

So now if I choose to have the donut I realize this a CHOICE, in which I am in control over..just like every other decision I make throughout my day. I approach it without judgement, but instead with curiosity:

1. So, I ate a donut. It was delicious. Moving forward! 

2. So, I ate a donut. And now I feel _______. What was I going for (or trying to cope with/cover up/avoid) by eating this donut? 

This is what I help my clients to do, and I want to help you, too!!

What I've learned through through this time, and in my own personal health journey, is that there are as many “diets” as there are people on the planet.  Do I have it all figured out? Nope. I am still learning, still listening to my body every day. And, compelled & driven to help others learn how to listen to theirs.  What you learn about YOUR body and YOUR habits during this program will change your life!  


What clients are saying...

Jan K., Pittsburgh, PA

Jan K., Pittsburgh, PA

"I had been realizing that I needed and wanted to make some changes in my lifestyle. I had fallen into habits of self-neglect, especially in terms of thoughtful and nutritious meal planning. I know that, to make a significant change of any type, it's hard to go it alone.

It felt like perfect timing when I received an email invitation from Sarah to join her 6-week group coaching program. .In this first meeting, I was quickly drawn to Sarah's contagious enthusiasm in sharing her areas of expertise and passion.

I am filled with appreciation for Sarah and for her consistent and loving guidance. It was also of great value to have this experience in a communal forum. The group's camaraderie greatly enhanced the experience, allowing us to share our challenges, learnings, inspirations and celebrations with one another.

I have re-discovered the good feeling that comes from truly caring about my well-being, by making self-care a consistent and joyful priority. I am well on my way.

If you are ready to welcome some topnotch and fun coaching, on your way to optimal health.........treat yourself to a collaboration with Sarah."

Sarah T., Pittsburgh, PA

Sarah T., Pittsburgh, PA

"There are so many accomplishments I'm proud of that started during this jump start. In addition to weight loss, I'm most proud of the "non scale victories." In just six weeks, my blood pressure dropped from being in the "high" category to just being slightly elevated. It was so amazing to celebrate this victory with my doctor at my last check up and our hope is that the changes I've made will eventually mean I can go off high blood pressure medication!The biggest change for me is that I finally feel in control. I am acutely aware of the decisions that I make with regard to my nutrition and my body -- no longer do my choices send me into the cycle of guilt that eventually results in giving up on myself. Let it go. Move forward.A new habit Sarah instilled in us is to "re frame" self-limiting beliefs that naturally creep up. I catch myself thinking "I don't have time" and hear Sarah's voice saying "wait, let's re frame that" and I land on something like "there's always enough time for what is most important."In this program, you are not alone. The level of knowledge and trust that Sarah brings is, without a doubt, the most important part of this journey. Not only is she knowledgeable and authentic, she is also funny, honest, real, and trustworthy. As a result, she brought out those characteristics in all of us in the group. The group that started together in January became very close, and we continue to rely on each other to celebrate victories (however small), re frame all the negative crap, share recipes, and to move forward!This is not for someone who wants "microwave results." This is a "slow cooker" program that's more about the sum of a lot of small changes then a quick fix that can't be sustained!"

Abby I., Pittsburgh, PA

Abby I., Pittsburgh, PA

"This program allowed me to refocus my thoughts about food and how to best fuel my body. I've never considered myself an un-healthy eater, but I think we all have patterns that revolve around food, some of them healthy and some of them definitely not. I also just feel so in-tune with my body. I have learned that my body will tell me when I am doing something that serves it and when I am not. I am now much more capable and wanting to react to those messages now after this program.I no longer depend on coffee in the morning for my energy, but rather my food choices that compound over the days. I am doing less stress/boredom eating, and if I do, I am able to choose more nutritious, high-energy foods that make me feel better afterwards instead of worse. I stopped using my hectic work schedule and social life as an excuse to put my health on the backburner. These habits I've started make my body feel amazing and they make me feel good about my body. This outlook gives me the ability to live my best life with confidence and vibrancy.Overall, I feel happier at work and am in a much better mood. I am sleeping much better, and feeding myself properly has flowed over into me taking care of myself more holistically- body, mind, and spirit. The support and accountability that this group of women offered was really special. And of course, Sarah is always there to answer any questions and provide support! She is in it for the long haul --no quick fixes here!"



What is Holistic Health?

Holistic health takes a WHOLE body approach to health and wellness. This is about SO MUCH MORE than nutrition and movement!

What are your credentials?

I immersed myself in the wellness community in 2008 as a certified Pilates instructor, went on to study plant based nutrition beginning in 2009, and began my online Health Coaching practice in 2015. I have worked with hundreds of clients, helping them to approach their health and their bodies from a place of worthiness, desire and self love.

I studied and earned my Holistic Health Coach certification through Health Coach Institute, and am currently working to complete my Life Coach certification. I also hold 3 levels of Mat Pilates Certification, have 10 years teaching experience around the city of Pittsburgh and hold BA and MEd degrees in Education.

What makes this program different?

I hold the belief that my clients are their own best health experts. I see my role as providing resources, and opening up the avenues for YOU to tap into your intuition! My personalized coaching experience enables women to plow through the negative beliefs that are holding them back from truly loving themselves. From this place, we choose to eat healthier, move our bodies with itention, maintain a balanced mood with increased energy levels, and live an overall vibrant life!

When are sessions held?

Initial 1:1 session is held over the phone. Group sessions are held in a private webcall, and can be accessed anywhere with WiFi.

I'm not really sure if this is a good fit for me. How can I learn more?

Schedule a complimentary Discovery Session, where we'll talk more about your goals, and discuss together whether or not this program is a good fit!

What is a Plant-Based Diet?

You guys! I’ve been getting so many questions around plant based eating—

So... I’m super excited to be offering this FREE so webinar around what exactly that means, and how this lifestyle can serve you!! 🍓

This might be a good fit for you if you:

🥑Are tired of dieting, obsessing about food, your weight and your pant size..

🥕Feel bloated or are struggling with digestive issues..

🍒Have brain fog, fatigue or a difficult time focusing..

🥝Have heard of a plant-based diet but feel too uninformed or overwhelmed to give it a try..


Space is limited, and will fill fast! Save your seat HERE:

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Can’t make it live? No worries. Register for a seat, and I will be sure to email over the recording!

In the meantime, drop your questions below! What do you want to knowwww?!

To honoring your body, feeling alive, and staying inspired in the skin you're in! 

Let's connect >>  Click here << 

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Meal Planning 101: Part 2


Now that you are IN TUNE with your kitchen, here comes the fun part--planning what you are going to EAT!  If you love food as much as I do, this part is actually a lot of fun.  I get super psyched when I find new recipes for our family to try.  So, where do you begin?


ONE:  Always begin your weekly shopping list with your staples that need replenished.  This will likely also include things like milk, yogurt, bread, eggs...and whatever else you always have on hand.  (Refer to the list you made yesterday of your kitchen staples, too!)  

Then, use what you have** to inspire next week’s meals.  It’s important to start in the fridge, since this is what is most perishable. Leftover broccoli? A half block of cheddar?  Leftover quinoa?

Then, move to the freezer.   Frozen pizza dough?  A bag of spinach?  

And finally, the pantry.  Cans of black beans?  Tons of pasta?  

You are going to use THESE INGREDIENTS as the baseline for next week’s meal plan.  We are all well equipped to do this with the internet, so no excuses here.  We GTS (Google That Shit) or we use the index of our favorite cookbooks.  

Let’s go back to the example above.  I am looking up the keywords broccoli, cheddar, quinoa, pizza dough, spinach, black beans and/or pasta.  The recipes linked below are recipes that were inspired by doing just this.    Let’s see what what we can come up with….

**Have nothing to start with?  Use your grocer’s sales flier as your starting point!

Search one:  Spinach recipes.  Found braised coconut spinach with chickpeas and lemon (UM YUM) So, I look at the needed ingredients, add sun dried tomatoes to my list.  I think I will serve this over rice, but have that on hand, too!  

Search two:  Quinoa recipes.  There is an amazing recipe for Quinoa and Potatoes in my favorite cookbook, How to Cook Everything Vegetarian, by Mark Bittman.  I'm in this one for the win.    

Search three:  Broccoli recipes.  Found Broccoli and Sun-dried Tomato PastaPerfect!  This recipe hits most of ingredients on the head, so the ONLY thing I need to add to my shopping list is goat cheese.  


Search four:  Black bean recipes.  I make an awesome 4 bean salad that Ziggy loves.  That’s going on the menu this week.  I’ll add a bell pepper and purple onion to my list.  I have everything else on hand.  

And, you continue on searching, creating your menu, adding to your shopping list, and adding ONLY the ingredients you need to make these dishes.  Doing this will save you *money* *time* and will *minimize waste.* Bonus?  It adds to an ever growing list of new amazing dishes you can go back to!!  

And sometimes, you just need to let your toddler be a human tornado, eat chocolate granola bars for dinner, and then watch cartoons wearing nothing but a yoga mat.&nbsp;

And sometimes, you just need to let your toddler be a human tornado, eat chocolate granola bars for dinner, and then watch cartoons wearing nothing but a yoga mat. 

Now before you call me crazy, know that we do not go all out on the cooking front every night.  I always look at our calendar and make sure to plan not-so-crazy meals on nights we are going to be home late or have a lot going on.  I find that there is almost one weekend night each week that we are attending a cookout, meeting with friends or family, or are going to be out and about, so there is one less meal to plan for. Breakfast is a go-to dinner option for us during the week.  So are tortilla pizzas with a side veggie or these rice bowls.

I often make a grain salad or big pot of soup on Sundays for lunches and/or dinner options.  We also do nights every so often we call “fend,” where Chris and I “fend” for ourselves and Ziggy eats lmac and cheese or frozen spinach nuggets.  

What we can't do:  create 26 hours in a day.

What we can do: Take time to MAXIMIZE what you already have at home, and taking 30-60 minutes each week to plan and create a shopping list, you will make the best out of the time and money you have when you are in the midst of the madness.  

I promise!

Need support?  Not sure where to get started?  Our next group program kicks off MONDAY!  Comment below, or send me a quick message HERE for everything you need to get started! 


In good health,

xo sarah

Health from a Place of Self Love: 4 Week Exploration

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It's almost summer!

In honor of the season of sunshine and growth, I invite you to embark on a journey of self-care, healing and rejuvenation.     


It is easy to put these things on the back-burner when you are focusing on the people that you love.  You want to bring our A game -- to be alive and engaged with them, which means it's easy to put yourself last.  

But here's the thing...

You can't bring your A game when you’re depleted, exhausted, overworked, over committed, and consistently putting your needs last. You cannot pour from an empty pitcher.

When you do, you AND your loved ones end up cheated. They don’t get the best version of you, they get a worn down, depleted, cranky, walking dead version of you.  You think you're bringing your A game, but instead are bringing your B, or C or D game.

You DESERVE to feel nourished, to have confidence, to have energy and a spring in your step!  For you AND the people that you love.

Are you ready?

This 4 week group coaching program might be a good for you if:

→ Feel confused about the best foods for your body

→ Are interested in approaching your weight and your health from a place of self love

→ Want to adopt mindful patterns around your health

→ Are ready to trade short term solutions for long term, sustainable solutions


This group program is designed to take the confusion about what to eat, provide a platform for mindful patterns around your health and create a foundation for long term, sustainable lifestyle change. No crazy pills, tricks, gimmicks, or diets of negative self talk.

Just real food, the real system, tools and support you need to approach your health (and your BODY) from a place of self love.  From this place, making food and lifestyle choices that serve you become easy!

What’s included:

>>(1) 1:1 60 Minute Coaching Session with Me. This session is designed for you to get super clear on your goals, what is holding you back, and actionable steps for you to begin taking to radically improve your health (and your life!)

>>(3) 60 Minute Live Group Coaching Sessions With Our Tribe.  For 3 consecutive weeks, we will meet at Cooper-Siegel Community Library in Pittsburgh, PA, where I share customized coaching exercises that are guaranteed to accelerate your results and help you achieve major breakthroughs.  These coaching sessions are designed to create a place of community and trust.

>> Online Support Community; to stay connected with our tribe throughout our 4 week journey.

>>Customized Done-For-You Materials Such As Checklists, Recipes, Handouts And More. Expect curated information that is relevant, practical and actionable, so you can stay out of overwhelm and in action!!

In order to give you the best possible coaching experience, space is limited! Applicants will be considered on a first come-first serve basis.

We kick off the week of June 3!



Still on the fence?  


I get it.  It has to just be "another program."  Trust me, I've tried them all.  

Until a few years ago, I would let one “bad” choice lead to another...and the another. It was like the never ending cycle of judgement, kind of like this:

Eats a donut at work 👉🏼 says, well eff it, I just screwed up today 👉🏼 eats candy off friends desk 👉🏼 leaves packed lunch in fridge and grabs take out 👉🏼 eats cookie in the afternoon 👉🏼 gahhhhh I feel like 💩 👉🏼 goes home 👉🏼skips workout 👉🏼 has wine and an entire bag of skinny pop instead of dinner.

This cycle would continue sometimes for days, other times for weeks. It was the “being good or being bad” syndrome. It sucked 🤣

So now if I choose to have the donut I realize this a CHOICE, in which I am in control over..just like every other decision I make throughout my day. I approach it without judgement, but instead with curiosity:

1. So, I ate a donut. It was delicious. Moving forward! 

2. So, I ate a donut. And now I feel _______. What was I going for (or trying to cope with/cover up/avoid) by eating this donut? 

This is what I help my clients to do, and I want to help you, too!!

What I've learned through through this time, and in my own personal health journey, is that there are as many “diets” as there are people on the planet.  Do I have it all figured out? Nope. I am still learning, still listening to my body every day. And, compelled & driven to help others learn how to listen to theirs.  What you learn about YOUR body and YOUR habits during this program will change your life!  


What clients are saying...

Jan K., Pittsburgh, PA&nbsp;

Jan K., Pittsburgh, PA 

"I had been realizing that I needed and wanted to make some changes in my lifestyle.  I had fallen into habits of self-neglect, especially in terms of thoughtful and nutritious meal planning.  I know that, to make a significant change of any type, it's hard to go it alone.
It felt like perfect timing when I received an email invitation from Sarah to join her 6-week group coaching program.  .In this first meeting, I was quickly drawn to Sarah's contagious enthusiasm in sharing her areas of expertise and passion.
I am filled with appreciation for Sarah and for her consistent and loving guidance.  It was also of great value to have this experience in a communal forum. The group's camaraderie greatly enhanced the experience, allowing us to share our challenges, learnings, inspirations and celebrations with one another.
I have re-discovered the good feeling that comes from truly caring about my well-being, by  making self-care a consistent and joyful priority. I am well on my way.
If you are ready to welcome some topnotch and fun coaching, on your way to optimal health.........treat yourself to a collaboration with Sarah."
Sarah T., Pittsburgh, PA&nbsp;

Sarah T., Pittsburgh, PA 

"There are so many accomplishments I'm proud of that started during this jump start. In addition to weight loss, I'm most proud of the "non scale victories." In just six weeks, my blood pressure dropped from being in the "high" category to just being slightly elevated. It was so amazing to celebrate this victory with my doctor at my last check up and our hope is that the changes I've made will eventually mean I can go off high blood pressure medication!
The biggest change for me is that I finally feel in control. I am acutely aware of the decisions that I make with regard to my nutrition and my body -- no longer do my choices send me into the cycle of guilt that eventually results in giving up on myself. Let it go. Move forward.
A new habit Sarah instilled in us is to "re frame" self-limiting beliefs that naturally creep up. I catch myself thinking "I don't have time" and hear Sarah's voice saying "wait, let's re frame that" and I land on something like "there's always enough time for what is most important."
In this program, you are not alone. The level of knowledge and trust that Sarah brings is, without a doubt, the most important part of this journey. Not only is she knowledgeable and authentic, she is also funny, honest, real, and trustworthy. As a result, she brought out those characteristics in all of us in the group.  The group that started together in January became very close, and we continue to rely on each other to celebrate victories (however small), re frame all the negative crap, share recipes, and to move forward!
This is not for someone who wants "microwave results." This is a "slow cooker" program that's more about the sum of a lot of small changes then a quick fix that can't be sustained!"
Abby I., Pittsburgh, PA&nbsp;

Abby I., Pittsburgh, PA 

"This program allowed me to refocus my thoughts about food and how to best fuel my body. I've never considered myself an un-healthy eater, but I think we all have patterns that revolve around food, some of them healthy and some of them definitely not. I also just feel so in-tune with my body.  I have learned that my body will tell me when I am doing something that serves it and when I am not. I am now much more capable and wanting to react to those messages now after this program.
I no longer depend on coffee in the morning for my energy, but rather my food choices that compound over the days.  I am doing less stress/boredom eating, and if I do, I am able to choose more nutritious, high-energy foods that make me feel better afterwards instead of worse. I stopped using my hectic work schedule and social life as an excuse to put my health on the backburner.  These habits I've started make my body feel amazing and they make me feel good about my body. This outlook gives me the ability to live my best life with confidence and vibrancy.
Overall, I feel happier at work and am in a much better mood.  I am sleeping much better, and feeding myself properly has flowed over into me taking care of myself more holistically- body, mind, and spirit.  The support and accountability that this group of women offered was really special. And of course, Sarah is always there to answer any questions and provide support! She is in it for the long haul --no quick fixes here!"


What is Holistic Health?

Holistic health takes a WHOLE body approach to health and wellness, taking into account emotional and social factors, as well as incorporating whole foods and movement. 

What are your credentials? 

I began studying plant based nutrition in 2009, and began my online Health Coaching practice in 2015. I have worked with hundreds of clients across the, helping them to approach their health and their bodies from a place of worthiness, desire and self love

I studied and earned my Holistic Health Coach certification through Health Coach Institute, and am currently working to complete my Life Coach certification. I also hold 3 levels of Mat Pilates Certification, have 10 years teaching experience around the city of Pittsburgh and hold BA and MEd degrees in Education.

What makes this program different?

I hold the belief that my clients are their own best health experts. I see my role as providing resources, and opening up the avenues for YOU to tap into your intuition! My personalized coaching experience enables women to plow through the negative beliefs that are holding them back from truly loving themselves.  From this place, we choose to eat healthier, move our bodies with itention, maintain a balanced mood with increased energy levels, and live an overall vibrant life!  

When are sessions held? 

Initial 1:1 session is held over the phone.  Group sessions are held in a private space at Cooper-Siegel Community Library 
I'm not really sure if this is a good fit for me.  How can I learn more?
Schedule a complimentary Discovery Session, where we'll talk more about your goals, and discuss together whether or not this program is a good fit!

Meal Planning 101: Part I

How much was your grocery bill each week?  I shoot to keep our weekly grocery bill to around $130, and at least 50% of what we buy is certified organic.  Though sometimes a little bit over, and sometimes a little bit under, I am always within $20 of that budget.  



So, here’s the deal guys.  If you don’t know what is lurking in the back of your freezer, pantry, or (eeek!) fridge, you’ve got to get your organizing on.   I {almost} always know what we have on hand, what is about to see its last day, what needs to be rotated into the freezer and what we need to buy more of.  This saves us time cooking/shopping, saves money, and eliminates waste.  It is an easy thing to do once you get in the habit of it, but where do you start?!  

ONE:  Clean house.  Take everything out, purge if necessary, and reorganize.  Literally.  Start with your freezer.  Take everything out.  If you find yourself saying “what’s that,” “ew,” “I can’t believe this was back there,” or “2013?!” THROW IT AWAY.  It is taking up valuable space for things that you are actually going to eat.  Repeat this task with your pantry and your fridge.     

TWO:  Take inventory.  As you are cleaning house, take note of what you have on hand through this process:  Pasta?  Quinoa?  Frozen chicken cutlets?  Frozen broccoli?  Carrots?  Kale?  Coconut milk?  Canned tomatoes? If you aren’t good at taking mental notes, WRITE IT DOWN!  This is an essential piece to effectively planning meals.  

Ahhhhhhh.  Don’t you feel better?!

THREE:    Now that you are organized, you are ready to conquer!  The next step is Identifying your kitchen staples.  These will vary from household to household, but it is important to know what need to have on hand in order to create and cook stellar meals.  My list includes ingredients that serve as the backbone for the majority of our meals. Take a minute and write down your essential staples.  Remember, there is not end-all-be-all here, this list will change and evolve as you do.  

What did you discover??

Stay tuned for part II next week! 

Nourished Life Mastermind: Women Supporting Women

The Nourished Life Mastermind is an inner circle of women who have completed 10-12 weeks of 1:1 OR group coaching programs with Sarah.  These women have built the foundation, and begun to lay the groundwork to continue to step into the very best version of themselves, in body and in mind!!

 So far, together, you have:

→ Identified high energy foods for your unique body

→ Identified YOU as the foundational piece

→ Plowed through self limiting beliefs that were holding you back from having the vibrant health {and LIFE} you want and DESERVE!

→ Obtained sweet freedom from judgement

→ Prioritized what is most important to you, HONORED it, and released guilt

 As you know, this is about so much more than simply losing weight or improving overall health. … that is certainly part of it, but really, a very small part. This Mastermind is for the women who have a desire to truly step into their ultimate greatness….TOGETHER !


We’ll see each other daily in the mastermind

We’ll meet monthly on webcall for group coaching

We’ll share ideas

We’ll motivate

We’ll celebrate

We’ll uplift

We’ll uplevel

We’ll support one other through MASSIVE GROWING PAINS


 It’s about staying tuned in week to week.  When you’re feeling stuck, to be guided to regained clarity on WHY you are doing this and to remain intuitively led,  which gets massive results in body and mind.


What’s included, in a nutshell:

Monthly group coaching sessions via webcall, the second Tuesday or Thursday of every month

Weekly mini coaching sessions via FB live in the private Mastermind group

Daily 24/7 access to private Mastermind group page, to ask questions, be supported, share ideas, and remain in a constant state of FLOW and ACTION

→ PLUS access to new programs and resources as they are launched, to “test the waters,” at no extra cost, including a free subscription to The Veg Out Meal Plan

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My vision for this group of women was about long-life friendships and relationships both in and out of our meetings—and it has come to LIFE!   The community continues to grow.

In the long term, I fully expect to end up DOING joint ventures, adventures, retreat, collaborations of all sorts, and referral partnerships within the group!

This is about being part of a group of women actively and consciously taking ownership of their lives & their health, on purpose, and having an epic time doing so.  

Let me know if you're a HELL YES!

The Truth About Conventionally Raised Meats in the US


11 years ago, I adopted a plant based diet. A year after that, my husband Chris followed suit. A plant based lifestyle is all Ziggy (4) has ever known. 🌱

People ask me all the time WHY we chose to be plant-centered. After spending my entire life with meat as a mainstay to my diet, I began to educate myself about WHERE our food comes from. Turns out, it is much more complicated than "a steak comes from a cow." 🐄

US agriculture used to be what we picture in our minds, or see in children's books--livestock and birds, roaming freely, grazing on grass and snacking on bugs. You know, the big red barn with the silo. 🍃

 Are you ready for some real talk?

The sad truth is that the the majority of the US meat industry is produced on factory farms, and is consistently on the rise. Even many small family farmers practice small scale industrialization, just to stay in business 🐄🐄🐄🐷🐷🐷🦃🦃🦃🐔🐔🐔

So, close your eyes and picture big, giant indoor warehouses with no windows, no grass.  Better yet, click here to see what this looks like...

Animals in holding cells just big enough for them to stand, not even to turn around, or often times lay down. They most literally spend their short lives eating, standing in their own shit, and being pumped with antibiotics to ward off the host of disease that is result of such inhumane living conditions. 🏢

Chickens and turkeys spend their life in large, dark "barns." Egg laying hens spend their life in stacked in battery powered metal cages. This encourages the birds not to peck (which they innately do), or become aggressive with neighboring birds. Their beaks are often clipped for the same reason. Um hello?? I would be freaking out in those stressful living conditions too!! 😖

And becuase we want more white meat, they are pumped hormones to make their breasts big enough to satisfy our desire for them! Many become so top heavy that they topple over because they can’t stand on their own two feet. wtfffffff 😖

All of these animals all fed corn and soy, and unless labeled certified organic or GMO Verified, are genetically modified. This is fine in the sense that it keeps them alive, but it is not what their bodies were designed to eat. If they don't get proper nutrition, neither do we. I mean, what they eat, we eat. 😝

Don't even get me started in the negative impact this has on the workers in these factories, our environment, our water, our local economies and our health. 😳

What blows my mind is that many of us KNOW this, but choose to still choose to support it by buying conventionally raised meat, eggs, dairy and poultry.

We’re not vegan, and not am not necessarily suggesting that you become vegan. What I am suggesting 👉🏼 #educateyoself

You guys, every.single. time we buy is an opportunity to take a vote. We’re looking for the words GRASS FED, PASTURED or WILD CAUGHT on any fish, dairy, meat, poultry or eggs as often as possible. Even better to literally shake your hands with your farmer, and see the roaming animals when you can. 🤝🌾

Yes, it will be more expensive. We have a choice 👉🏼 Pay a farmer now, or pay a doctor later.

If it feels overwhelming, click here to get a glimpse of the industry, or watch Food Inc on Netflix, and then share what you learn by commenting below! 👇🏼

Read more about where to find local, responsibility raised food HERE.


 If you're ready to learn delicious ways to incirporate more plants, and sustainable farming practices into your life, let's connect.  Find me HERE.  #bettertogether  

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